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Hello ! Thank you so much for following me, I really appreciate it ! I hope you'll check out and enjoy my story, "Russian Bastard" - a mafia story featuring Russian, Italian, and French mobs. If you enjoy the story, dont forget to vote and comment! Have a great day ❤
          *Get a chance to get a dedication in the following chapters of "Russian Bastard" by voting and commenting on my book! Just leave a few comments on my book and I will randomly select readers who commented for the following chapters to be dedicated to! Good luck and hope you are staying safe ❤


Hello, dear villager!
          The Lynx Pack has come to visit your village tonight. Oh, don't worry, they're harmless; as long as you do what they want. They don't care that what they do is not okay. The end justifies the means.
          The Lynx trader stands out of the pack and comes closer to you. ''Help us,'' he says. ''Help us and you will be lucky for one day.'' Intrigued, you lower yourself and listen to what he has to say. ''Follow our pack and tell me the names of three other villages, or else tell your villagers we will be having a delicious meal out of them.''
          Totally creeped out, you straighten up. Now, the choice is yours. What will you do? Follow @CLNighters and share this message with three of your friends, or face their wrath?
          Anyways, the Lynx Pack is hoping to hear from you soon. Or to eat your livers.