
Thanks for following, checking out After Humanity, and for the vote! Hope you enjoy the story :-)


@laura_lam I hope you do! So glad you enjoyed the first chapter and thanks again for checking it out:-)
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@stpolishook Thanks for the message! Enjoyed the first chapter and will hopefully return to it soon!
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Hey Laura! I absolutely love your books....and it would be nice if you could give me some tips too.... I'm a newbie at writing. Therefore, could you check out my book "You Be My Jam!" on my profile and suggest corrections?? It would be so kind of you!


@MorningDewAtDawn Thanks for posting! I'll try to get to it, but it might take awhile as I'm in the middle of a trimester of teaching!
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Thanks for the follow, Laura. Hope I have much to learn from an award winning writer. Nice to meet a fellow Scot, too ;-) Have a lovely day.


@KatrinHollister I'm in Aberdeen but in the process of moving to Edinburgh! I teach part-time at Napier. Seems to be lots of interaction, which I'll try to do inbetween other stuff. Thanks for the advice :-)
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I'm in Edinburgh! How about you?
            WP, despite its many revamps, isn't very good at allowing engagement from writer to reader, unfortunately. Getting seen is quite difficult for most simply because of the sheer amount of work and users there are on here, and if one's work doesn't cater to the rather specific demographic it's even more difficult to be seen. However, one of the more effective ways of getting seen is engaging in the forums, being helpful, leaving votes and comments on works, participating in competitions, making connections etc. Without all that, good quality work still gets obscured.
            It took me a long time to build up a small following and I lost most of that when I took a year long hiatus until recently :(
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@KatrinHollister Thank you for following me as well! I look forward to reading your work. Any Wattpad tips for a newbie would also be great! Enjoying the interface but having trouble finding new readers. Where in Scotland are you?
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Hi Laura, it's great to see some more of your writing on here - I have both Pantomime and Shadowplay and they're wonderful.  I hope that you have good news for book three - I need to know what happens in the end :)


Thanks for the vote Laura 
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Thanks! Hope you enjoy *gulp*
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Thanks! Haven't done too much on here but it looks like a great site :-) Will have a poke at your page now!
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