
My reaction to 700+ notifications when I logged in today: oof. I just wanted to check in with everyone and see how you're doing! It has been a while and I haven't kept up with comments or votes on my works but I want to thank everyone for their continued interest in what I created! I haven't written in a while but I'm hoping to get back to it soon. Just need to get the idea pot churning. Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe! Just know I appreciate every single one of you. 


@leannamattos it’s so awesome to see you back!


I just finished the Cursed Deal and really enjoyed it. The world and concept feels fresh, the characters engaging, and the dialogue charming. I loved the ending, but I was curious if you have plans to continue the story in another book at some point or if you were planning to leave it as a stand alone, Thank for sharing your talent and hard work with us. Best Wishes- 


Random post, but I’ve read and reread many of your stories. Your writing style comforts me, and transports me away from my worries. Thank you for all of the work you do, I know you enjoy it writing, but thank you for being you ♥️  your hobby has helped me in many more ways than you probably realize