
Sorry I haven't been so active for...ever! I've been busy with school and work and relationships. It's my fourth quarter in school and I seriously need to bring my grades up! Work is just routine, gotta save up money you know ._. Keeping my relationship with my boyfriend and my friends so neither drifts apart. So I am really sorry about not updating Amy of my books!! But I promise, once my spring break rolls around and all I need to worry about is work, my other priority will be Stockholm Syndrome and to try and get that rolling more. And I'll casually update the other books I have. Please don't give up on me yet!! I love you all and you're all so damn beautiful!!


Sorry I haven't been so active for...ever! I've been busy with school and work and relationships. It's my fourth quarter in school and I seriously need to bring my grades up! Work is just routine, gotta save up money you know ._. Keeping my relationship with my boyfriend and my friends so neither drifts apart. So I am really sorry about not updating Amy of my books!! But I promise, once my spring break rolls around and all I need to worry about is work, my other priority will be Stockholm Syndrome and to try and get that rolling more. And I'll casually update the other books I have. Please don't give up on me yet!! I love you all and you're all so damn beautiful!!


Guys it's birthday!! Well actually it was yesterday since I'm typing this at exact 12:24 am Eastern Standard Time, but I am officially 17 and almost legally an adult....can't wait for that!(note sarcasm) but I was born today(yesterday) on October 24 at 12:10pm, my mom doesn't actually remember when I was born, she just knows it's around noon, but who can blame her she was in process of pushing me through her vagina...ew I'm sorry that was gross and now I'm just blabbing. I just y'all to know that I'm finally 17, it felt like I was 16 for forever! I love you all xx!! Oh before I forget, I have been in the process of writing the next chapter for Stockholm Syndrome, just so you know that and are updated, if you want I can update things about Stockholm Syndrome on my tumblr account, just give me a heads up. I think that's all. I love you all my dears!! Have a wonderful....midnight xxx


So I've been having ideas flowing for a teen fiction/ bad boy book. And I think they're good ones. What I wanna know is would y'all want me to write one? Give me your thoughts. Or ideas if y'all have any. Love you guys:)


Hey y'all!!! You're my followers, I've got followers an I want to thank you so much for that! I'd really appreciate it if you read Stockholm Syndrome, I've been working really hard on it and I want it to get a lot of reads, well at least a little more than wat it's getting, but comment your opinions and vote and tell everybody else about it if you think it's good:) thank you mes chèris! Avec tout mon amour! (With all my love xx)