
So i forgot to update my discord. It’s trueblue.555


See this is why im done with Wattpad. It honestly went down the drain during the pandemic but now they got rid of pms?? All of my rps are gone which sucks because i miss just looking back at them. Wattpad is really losing their members now because of this. They really turned into a money grubbing platform. Oh well, if y’all wanna rp or just chat hmu on my discord, it’s serendipity.555


Just sent you a request! 


So to everyone i was rping with on discord I can’t login into my other discord acc unfortunately so you have to add me on my main discord account 


@The_Forgotten_Tale Definitely permanently since i don’t have the phone number or email used for it


            That sounds troubling hope you can find a way to fix it, also will that be a temporary solution or a permanent solution to using your main discord account? 


I apologize to everyone but i can’t reply to any comments on my book. Wattpad is being a b*tch and the comments aren’t showing up so i can’t reply.


@coolgirl142 I feel like the more they try to make wattpad so expensive worldwide book streaming app for people the horrible it will become. It was fine in the past when they were letting people write their stories and people could read it without the need of having to pay but now it’s like a get rich scheme and it just really lost it’s touch. It’s just gonna get worse as the time goes on.


@lucidahegao I had that similar problem only it was in pms. I kept having duplicate messages popping up and spamming me nonstop.


@lucidahegao Wattpad is so annoying sometimes. Seriously, why do these issues always come up? You’d think after all these years and updates, no more problems like this would exist. 


I officially made and published 10 oc’s I still have one more to publish but that gonna take me at least a day to focus on and get out. I have ideas of making a horror oc but i don’t know how it will plan out. But once i plan it out then I might publish the oc. 
          I also have more scenarios in mind that i wanna bring to life but coming up with personality’s for rps is such a pain sometimes . Bare with me as i make more ocs soon that everyone can enjoy. 


Please add me on my discord succqbus#8639


@coolgirl142 Nope! That’s just my rp account 


I took a few months away from rping to focus on work, relationships and my mental health. I was answering people here and there but not so much. I honestly thought about quitting rps since i have been rping for 8 years now. But i would genuinely miss rping and rping has become a part of my life. I took a break from rping since i didn’t want that spark or flame to completely burn out. I have a bunch of new characters ideas that i want to share and use in future rps. So please bear with me since I want to work on getting these characters out and then i will reply to rps or start rps with anyone that wants to rp.


@lucidahegao that us fine. mental health is imlortant


Hello guys! I apologize for the inconvenience but i have taken a break from rping. Life have been busy lately and my mind just haven’t been on rping. But i need the distraction now so i will be making/finishing my oc’s hopefully by tonight or tomorrow and i will be continuing/starting rp probably tonight or tomorrow. So if you wanna rp or continue a rp just pm me.