
Hey Besties,
          	Everyone that’s from the other platform that I used to be contracted to, I am aware of their foul behavior and deleting all of my Novels from the platform. Even the ones that you all paid for over the last 7 years. . . I honestly can’t do anything about it and I’m so sorry, but I do have email proof of me speaking with the support team. They asked me back in June 2022 if they could keep my Novels on the platform after my contract was over and I left.
          	I emailed them back saying “Yes, please keep all Novels available in the library of those who have paid for them already.”
          	Now, in April of 2024, because of some actions that I’m taking against the platform, they have deleted all of my Novels - even the ones you all have paid for - so I’m very, very sorry about that.
          	I will work on posting my Novels over on REAM - there’s a link in my Bio.
          	And here on Wattpad, I’ll have Alpha Titus available for those of you who came from that other platform, that would like to reread it. I’ll have the whole thing posted today.
          	Again, I am so freaking sorry about this to everyone that came over. This was totally unacceptable.


@bdub23 Oh I’m still working on that. When Dylan & Raiden’s story was about to be released a few days ago, they sent an email stating I needed to prove rights to my story. So I had to send everything I had and I’m waiting for a response. Hopefully soon❤️
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@lynearose How Can I Find You On Kindle?
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@Manonmanyes I am so sorry for you and everyone else this affected…. It’s just a darn shame, but I was told by another Author that readers can contact the App Store and request a refund for your purchases from GNovel (good abbreviation lol)
          	  I’ll send you the info. Can you send me your email address in a private message and I’ll get that sent over from what she told me. It happened to her and her readers too.
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Hey Besties,
          Everyone that’s from the other platform that I used to be contracted to, I am aware of their foul behavior and deleting all of my Novels from the platform. Even the ones that you all paid for over the last 7 years. . . I honestly can’t do anything about it and I’m so sorry, but I do have email proof of me speaking with the support team. They asked me back in June 2022 if they could keep my Novels on the platform after my contract was over and I left.
          I emailed them back saying “Yes, please keep all Novels available in the library of those who have paid for them already.”
          Now, in April of 2024, because of some actions that I’m taking against the platform, they have deleted all of my Novels - even the ones you all have paid for - so I’m very, very sorry about that.
          I will work on posting my Novels over on REAM - there’s a link in my Bio.
          And here on Wattpad, I’ll have Alpha Titus available for those of you who came from that other platform, that would like to reread it. I’ll have the whole thing posted today.
          Again, I am so freaking sorry about this to everyone that came over. This was totally unacceptable.


@bdub23 Oh I’m still working on that. When Dylan & Raiden’s story was about to be released a few days ago, they sent an email stating I needed to prove rights to my story. So I had to send everything I had and I’m waiting for a response. Hopefully soon❤️
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@lynearose How Can I Find You On Kindle?
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@Manonmanyes I am so sorry for you and everyone else this affected…. It’s just a darn shame, but I was told by another Author that readers can contact the App Store and request a refund for your purchases from GNovel (good abbreviation lol)
            I’ll send you the info. Can you send me your email address in a private message and I’ll get that sent over from what she told me. It happened to her and her readers too.
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do you have any other place i could read alpha titus?
          i downloaded both reams and kindle but they didnt work.


@gracepurple123 Hellur! Alpha Titus will be available on Kindle on June 5th, 2024.  . . Currently my editor is working his way through the first 4 books of the Fire series and then will move onto Alpha Titus, which is why it won’t be available until June because it needs to be edited and polished before hitting Kindle.
            On REAM, it’s available to read for all Tiers except the Desire Tier❤️
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          Because of recent messages, we’re all deciding as a community whether or not I should post the Silas Triplets bonus content back to Wattpad or if I should only keep it to the Book Box Tiers who will receive their book boxes later this year❤️
          If you’d like to participate in the poll, head on over to REAM — Link in my Bio.
          I’m interested to see what everyone is going to say!


I got a question about the fire series are each book focused on different people or do sum continue on with the same couple cuz I’ve only seen 2 of them posted here and there previews but on ream it says you have 9 books of it?


@bdub23 Yes! The release date for all 4 books of Dylan & Raiden’s polished story will be out May 31st, 2024 on Kindle.
            My editor, Matt has been amazing and is getting these chapters out at an incredible pace.
            I’m also working on paperback copies as well. I have a meeting with my cover designer tomorrow, we’ve already been over the designs for each book and what I want and the prices involved with that. I’m receiving the first drafts tomorrow and seeing if they are what I want, if not then the editing process will proceed with the covers.
            Once those are finalized, I just have to find a formattor that I like and whose prices are reasonable lol and then paperbacks will be available!
            So freaking excited!!❤️❤️
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Will you be selling physical copies on Amazon ? If so is there a release date we should be looking for ?
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Hey y’all,
          I’ve been seeing a lot of comments in my books and messages here on my wall that I’ve had to delete because they were just rude.
          So I wanted to post this to clear things up.
          My books will no longer be completed on Wattpad and that’s for a number of reasons. Any of the OG followers on here can explain why. . . but it’s also because of Amazon’s publication rules.
          You can’t have your books on platforms that are considered “FREE” when you’re readying your books for publication and have already begun that process.
          But you CAN have them on platforms behind a paywall. Which is why my books are available on REAM.
          I don’t have Patreon anymore because of the whole debacle that happened back in January. The subscribers that were apart of Patreon know why.
          But this post is for those who don’t like the fact that I only post the beginning chapters of my book and well. . . sorry, not sorry.
          There are lots of readers on my account that want to read these updates and they ASK FOR THEM because they enjoy them. So because of that, I’ll continue to post them for the ones who want them❤️


@Kasperwriites Oh yeah I can totally understand that. When I used to read books on here, I would be upset when the Author just abandoned it and never posted again, but you’re right…. Not all Authors are like that.
            Very true - we can’t make everyone happy, and I believe the ones we can make happy, we should. I’m so happy you agree with that! ❤️
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@Kasperwriites LMAO! I love you!
            I always put a warning. There’s on in all the story descriptions and at the top of almost every chapter too. Some people just choose not to read and then be rude about it lol
            But I want to give the ones who ask for these chapters, what they want in a way that satisfies everyone. Me, the readers and Amazon lol
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NEW POLL UP NOW ON REAM! - subscribers and followers cast those votes for the weekly novel updates you would like to read this weekend!
          Also, this week I have a ton of content coming for everyone on Ream!
          MONDAY ( yesterday ):
          - Chapter 4 of Wrongfully Claimed
          - Polished and fully edited Chapters 25-27 of Fire of Chains - book 2 of Dylan & Raiden’s story.
          - Update for the Dark short story collection “His in the Dark.”
          - Polished and fully edited Chapters 28-30 of Fire of Chains.
          - First entry for the “Dear Diary” bonus content
          - Chapters 7 & 8 of the rewrite of Bound by Demand.
          - Chapters 8-12 of Fire of a Hidden Root ( Taj & B’s story )
          THIS SATURDAY: The first 5 chapters of Beta Enzo - part 2 of the duet  for Alpha Titus will be posted.
          Lots of content this week, so don’t miss it!
          Also, this weekend on Friday, Sunday and Monday, according to the poll, it looks like Chapter 12 of Rogue, chapter 5 of Run & Honey as well as Chapter 5 of Wrongfully Claimed will be posted!
          If you’d like to join or just access content for followers - Link is in my Bio❤️


@Kasperwriites Hey bestie!! I’m rewriting Bound by Demand on Ream first before uploading anything to Kindle Unlimited and everyone who is on Ream, will get a free e book copy of all completed books in their Tier once the book is completed.
          I actually have a schedule for ebooks down in my Bio section on Ream where you can see when each book will be sent to you all.
          And thank you so much! Patreon wasn’t about to hold me down!❤️❤️


Omg, I have to re-read alpha titus.   I see some updates and I'm crying. Like, how did I not noticeeeeeeee!!!!


@shantibang Lol thank you for enjoying it! Alpha Titus is only posted up until chapter 20 here for everyone to enjoy but the book continues on Ream - the link is in my Bio❤️
            If you’d like to join or get a discount, let me know, I have coupon codes if you do.
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Hey boos,
          ALPHA TITUS is officially complete over on Ream!
          This is part 1 of a duet and ends on a trifling cliffhanger but Part 2 titled “Beta Enzo” will start on Saturday, March 16th, 2024!
          If you’d like to join in on the fun over on Ream, the link is in my Bio❤️
          There’s also step by step instructions on how to get the app if you have an IPhone!
          Also, there’s a new collection started on steam FREE for followers to read as well titled “His in the Dark” - it’s a collection of dark one shots and dark short stories.


@Harmonylyrics Thank you for reading Part 1! I’m so happy that you can read the rest of the chapters today! These should give you a nice and stressful Monday lmao!
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Can’t wait to read Part 2! So hard for me to read during the weekends since I live up in the mountains and wifi and data stink up there. Always have to wait for Monday when I go in town. But makes my Monday’s feel better. 
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Hey lovahs,
          The Weekly Novel Updates have been posted on my community board on Ream!
          I have a lot coming this weekend and this upcoming week.
          Dylan & Raiden’s story
          Part 1: Complete ( 32 chapters )
          Part 2: Chapters 1-7 have been posted
          Part 3: Coming soon ( Kindle version )
          Roman & Hunter’s story
          Part 1: Chapters 1-11 have been posted
          Taj & B’s story
          Part 1: Chapters 1-40 will be posted throughout the next two weeks.
          Bound by Demand
          Chapters 1-3 of the rewrite have been posted. Chapters 4-5 are coming tomorrow!
          Bound by Force
          Chapters 1-14 will be available in two weeks!
          Chapters 1-10 have been posted
          Rum & Honey
          Chapters 1-3 have been posted.
          Cloaked in Shadows
          The rewrite has started ( Chapter 1 is posted )
          FOR FOLLOWERS:
          Chapters 1-3 of Wrongfully Claimed have been posted.
          Chapters 1-12 of Overcoming his Trauma have been posted.
          NEW: A series of short stories titled “His in the Dark” has officially started. Some will be available for free for followers to read as well.
          FRIDAY: Chapter 37 of Alpha Titus
          SATURDAY: Chapter 11 of Rogue
          SUNDAY: Chapter 4 of Rum & Honey
          MONDAY: Chapter 4 of Wrongfully Claimed
          Dark Realm series is beginning in March! So excited for this one!
          Lots and lots of updates coming this week lol
          If you’d like to read what’s for free, go ahead and follow me! If you’d like to read what’s available in your Tier, head on over and get to reading! Lol
          For REAM - Link in my Bio❤️


@Manonmanyes LMAO! Thank you! That’s such a huge compliment. It helps that two of my fabulously gay friends edit my smut and keep me on my toes lol
            And thank you for joining! I hope you enjoy all the content!! 
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@WerewolfVampLover lol thank ya girl! You’re amazing ❤️
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I am so looking forward to all of this! I just joined the Roses Tier. You deserve all success that’s coming to you. Your books are fire! And let me just say, as an out and proud gay man myself, your smut is top tier!
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