madisondw I made a one time book trailer for Sincerely, Mady. Sorry about the watermark in the video, I am too poor and am not paying 60$ for a software I will only use once.


Thank you so much for voting for my book :D 
          Have a good day :)


@ britbrat747  Thank you!! I love your book, too!! The introduction was very captivating that I had to vote! I also added your book to my library. I wish you all the best for your book :)


@britbrat747 of course! I like your book, and I believe it should get a lot more reads. You are a very good writer, and the details and story line of your book are spot on! Also, feel free to check out more of my books. Yours has been added to my library!


Sorry if I do not update often. My family recently is now taking in another foster baby. So my little sis' biological newborn brother is coming to live with us. Awesome! Also, my ear is inflamed again. It is like this sharp pain that causes migraines, fatigue, etc. It is also releasing blood from my ear drum so I have to get that taken care of. Apparently, when they gave me meds for a ear infection, it turns out it is not an ear infection. Idk what it is until I see my ENT. But it would help you guys send support and read my books, helps me want to write more. I will also still be on here reading books and stuff, so if you want me to read yours shoot me a message on here or on kik: awkwardmaddie. I know I dont have many followers or readers, but any support helps and I am grateful. Thank you guys.