
happy new years to sirius black and sirius black only <3


hi everyone !!! so i’ve given this some thought and i’ve made the decision to leave wattpad for the moment. 
          i might be back, i might not, but:
          1) i joined this app when i was eleven/twelve (crazy i know - who let me on here??) and i think i might have outgrown it 
          2) ‘you know it’s not the same as it was’
          3) i’m struggling a lot at the moment without pressuring myself to write as well, so i’ve taken some things down and don’t intend to update anything in the near future
          maybe one day i’ll be back, but for now, it’s goodbye. this place was really special to me once and it’s taken me a while to finally accept that it’s no longer that same place for me. thank you so much to all the amazing people here who have made such a big impact on my lives (you know who you are) and thank you for anyone who’s read any of my silly little writing - whether it was the mess that was arietta, the wildness that was granger, love gabby, which will always hold a special place in my heart, or any of my more developed, newer works (anything that’s up currently or has been in the past few months) - i’m truly grateful. you can find me on discord if you want to keep in touch, just let me know <333333


aw i’ll miss you, i’m so glad you were here while you were!! <3


i can’t cardigan is so wolfstar


@maeIificent I hate you with everything in me.


@mia_miaa04 i have eras tickets !!


this message may be offensive
guys btw as well as my appalling phone storage i have been dealing w some unexpected shit irl so please don’t get offended if i’m ignoring you or anything - i just haven’t been able to get online often and likely haven’t seen your message. i’m hoping updates will resume soon as soon as i can get my shit together <3