
[Promo - New Story] 
          	I published a short (and already completed) story, titled:
          	‘In fall, I Found You’
          	It may seems similar to my other story but actually quite different. I personally like it more because it was simple and has a clearer plot. Hope you can check itout and give your thought. See you~


@mirandaachangg please update. married into the alpha lord


@mirandaachangg Just finished reading in fall ,i found you.
          	  It was nice experience reading it ,it was quit different than your other book but it was written quite beautifully.You did great job
          	  Looking forward on a update of married into alpha lord (:


Hey I hope you are okay. You are literally one of the greatest storytellers i have read. You don’t even have to complete the story or anything, i just hope u can give some kind of update on the message board so i know you are doing well and are okay.