
I have broken my arm


Hello author, I read your book 'the broken girl' and it touched my heart. However, I can't help but think what would happen if Rose, Blake and Ginger did not die. So I need your permission to rewrite this book on my own account. Since this is your book I would give you credit on the starting author's note and at the ending author's note. I really want to do this so please consider. Thank you author. Have a wonderful day.


Hello dear author!  This is the covermaker.  If you like to have new covers for your stories,  i would love to help you. My designs are very affordable and friendly at cost. You can check out my profile. If you have inquiries,  you can contact me at Thank you and have a blast! 


Are the flowers in your profile picture lilacs? Lilacs are my favorite flowers, we have a lilac tree and every spring you can smell them everywhere!


I love that name! They look like they are Lilacs but you can never be sure to be honest. If you look up some pictures and compare you might be able to see if they are.


I love that name! They look like they are Lilacs but you can never be sure to be honest. If you look up some pictures and compare you might be able to see if they are.


I love that name! They look like they are Lilacs but you can never be sure to be honest. If you look up some pictures and compare you might be able to see if they are.