
it’s 1 AM but alas, i just had to post what might be one of the most important chapters of BIG SHOT in the whole damn story, so pls go love on it i worked very hard on it tysm <3
          	also big thanks for 80k reads! getting close to that cute 100k


Hurrah!!!!! And thank you 


it’s 1 AM but alas, i just had to post what might be one of the most important chapters of BIG SHOT in the whole damn story, so pls go love on it i worked very hard on it tysm <3
          also big thanks for 80k reads! getting close to that cute 100k


Hurrah!!!!! And thank you 


hello! just popping in with a few friendly reminders - BIG SHOT was updated a few days ago, so be sure to get caught up if you haven’t yet (& also be sure to engage and leave comments tysm), and i will no longer be sticking to a posting schedule with BIG SHOT, so chapters will come at random whenever i complete them moving forward. one might be coming tomorrow, for all i know *side eyes*


hi hello, YES your eyes do not deceive you, BIG SHOT has been updated. now that we are nearing 10 chapters or less for the story, i’ve decided to no longer adhere to an update schedule. my own personal schedule will be unpredictable for a bit, so i’d rather just update when i can with quality chapters deserving of the conclusion of this story instead of forcing myself to stick to posting on a specific day. sometimes it may be twice a week, and sometimes it may be once every two weeks, i’m not too sure. thank you guys for understanding and for all of the love and support BIG SHOT has received, it's meant the world to me <3


hey yall, happy sunday, & happy BIG SHOT update day. a new chapter is up now, please remember to vote/engage/leave your thoughts, especially as we are getting closer and closer to the end (big sad). 
          BIG SHOT has also been added to a featured reading list on the @Romance profile, so that was awesome to see <3


tysm for 500k reads on OVERDRIVE! i cannot express my gratitude enough for all of the love and support y’all have shown on this story the last few years. the kids really do deserve it. thank you thank you thank you. what a milestone <3


@reesespieces1244 I LOVE THIS lol but also i'm so sorry haha <3


hi y’all, semi-important update ~ so i’ve decided to take down the written chapters of WIILU while i work on the story offline. there’s a few changes to some characters and the manuscript itself that i’d like to make, so for now i’m just going to unpublished the chapters until i’ve got all that sorted, then when i’m ready they’ll go back up again with hopefully new ones moving forward. 
          finishing BIG SHOT is my main focus and priority and so i cannot really anticipate WIILU returning until that is completed. good news is there's about 10 chapters left (also a little sad) and icymi, a new chapter went up this weekend :)
          thanks for understanding! <3


@moonraess ooo, yay!! Looking forward to the even better version of WIILU ❤️ And I absolutely adored the update of Big Shot... can't wait for the next one!!


          so due to the closure of DMs here on wattpad, i’ve made the decision to start using my writers instagram again. i probably won’t be as active as i was when i previously had it, but it’s more so just for ease of connection with y’all (and hopefully to get ready for some things in the future). my instagram will still be private for personal reasons for the time being, so you will have to request me - it’s @ moonraess.wp - hope to see y’all there <3


So glad to see you back on IG


hi guys, unfortunately no update for BIG SHOT this weekend. i spent all my time prepping for a major job interview and ended up with a migraine for the last few days, so no writing has been done. hopefully all will be back to normal next week, thanks for understanding yall <3


@moonraess Oh no! Migraines suck. Hope you are feeling much better today,  and best of luck with the job!!


Good luck on your interview!!


Hope you feel better soon! 


happy sunday! a new chapter of BIG SHOT has been posted. don’t forget a special update was posted thursday so read chapter 30 first if you have not yet. 
          as always, please remember to engage and leave comments. votes are great but hearing your thoughts on the story is really what is most helpful to us as authors, and i love talking to yall and hearing what you have to say, so if you’ve not been commenting lately i’d be so appreciative if you did <3