
Dear friend, it's okay to feel pain. But don't get comfortable in the pain because you aren't existing just for feeling pain.  Don't blur out the warning bells signaling safety. Please be safe ❤️


It's okay to fall. But don't say on the ground for too long.
          It's okay to cry. But rinse your face and let it be over. 
          It's okay to be weak. But don't stay weak, when you can fight back and be calculative about it. 
          It's okay to plan, but don't do what you'll regret in ten years time. 
          It's okay to feel pain, but please drop the blade. And don't go back to it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Don't be too harsh on yourself. I really think you're doing okay and just have to keep working hard to be better. Just be consistent and believe in yourself.
          Help ❤️


I don't know if I've told you recently but I love you. We've never met, we'll probably never meet but that's not a criteria for love. It's a feeling, and the genuineness is all that matters, all that counts. So, I love you.  
          ~Heph ❤️


@ItzNotCarippsa you're welcome. Glad we could ❤️
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@nomorescars Thank you, you made my day <333
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Hey, guys! Erin here. I know I am not around very often lately, but I’ve been very unmotivated.
          But that is not the point of this message.
          I just heard about an app called Calm Harm. It’s free in the App Store and it’s an app that can help you self harm less. Go check it out if it’s something you feel can be helpful for you!


How's your day going? 


@celestialxbeing the body sometimes need rest and adjustments. Also, who says there's a timetable for sleeping only at nights? Goodnight :-D
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I napped all day yesterday so I couldn't sleep last night so gn 
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@BatgirlGeek That's great. It's always good to take a short break, no matter how short ❤️
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There'll always be pressures all around you. But keeping them far away from you and your mental state is the right way to do go about it. Just like J.K Rowling, we're all capable of getting overwhelmed but still fighting the dementors and not giving up on ourselves. 
          That being said, @ProjectSuicidal is no more available, due to some technical issues from wattpad. Their new account is @project_suicidal and they need your support so please head on and follow them for amazing and regular content. 


Dear you,
              It's okay to cry, it's okay to be sad, it's okay to be confused for a bit. It's fine, I'm confused and sad and I've cried too. We're pretty much feeling the same thing in different ways. What it isn't okay to do, dear, is to let that situation get to you, break you or define you and manipulate you! You shouldn't. It might look like you're losing the fight, but you're not. I'm not. We'll be okay, and we'll be here for each other. 


dear you,
          relax. take some breaths. when you’ve done all that you can in your situation, know that that’s where God steps in to take care of the rest. trust Him. He knows exactly where you’re at. and He will not put you to shame— , . ♥
          Copied on twitter from @HttpsPotato


@nomorescars Thank you, I needed this today! 
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          *When an issue tarries, it will eventually become history. 
          No matter how long an issue takes, it will one day come to an end; regardless of how it looks, it won't stay here forever. *COVID19 certainly has an expiry date: nothing lasts forever; keep hope alive, stay at home, stay safe and stay healthy. That's our joy, in knowing that every one is safe and don't forget that you can always talk to us about anything. Bad day? DM any of the admins or I myself @Hephzilolami. The Lord is our strength
          ~Heph ❤