
will be back soon!!! exams almost done so i’ll be back to posting no celestial, ballad of eternal glory might take a bit longer bc i’m working on a little something regarding it… 


updates on some of my other projects? I’m suffering from pretttyyyyyyy bad writer’s block for both the first book of city of sins (75% finished) and my new project (10% completed), and with exams coming in a month I’m likely going to leave them be for the while being and focus on no celestial instead. just in case I’ll also stretch out the updates for ballad of eternal glory in case my writer’s block does not end after exams which may cause the next book in the silk and steel series to come slower than expected!


Hi, is No Celestial still available to read? 


@SashaleeFortuin heyo, all the chapters are currently unpublished bc I’ve already started work on a rewrite! I’m still heavily conflicted on whether or not I’ll be leaving the old version up to read or not (I’m currently leaning towards no), but at the pace I’m working the prologue of the new version might be up within the next 24 hours or so!


also i'm kinda considering updating all the covers for the silk and steel chronicles to something more akin to "the ballad of eternal glory"'s cover... ops? the old covers are more japanese than chinese and it's kinda irking me


@nyxiekitsune go for it! consider it a break from studying or something


@lazywater__ can’t change the cover for tss I’m afraid  but yeah I might make it a project to change all the covers,,,


@nyxiekitsune please do!! tboeg's cover is so pretty!! (not that the current ones aren't, they're just completely different aesthetics - also get what you mean about jap/ch) AND also I wish you could make your own cover for tss (they spelt your name wrong as nix and not nyx unless I'm blind >:(


why does of mist and power have more reads than of copper and blades??? this doesn't follow the pattern of all my other novels in the series and it's confusing me so bad wtf


@nyxiekitsune I've got the option on my laptop browser version to reorder my works, wonder if you do too!


@lazywater__ it changes according to whatever I’ve updated latest tho so 


@nyxiekitsune it's the first book to appear at the top of your profile! maybe reordering the works will solve that ;)


hi this is kinda random but. i just wanted to give you all a head's up that my writing speed is most likely going to slow for like, the next year and a half? i'm not going to stop writing or anything but it'll definitely be less than before. i have exams in a few months that will count to my uni application, and then uni applications at the end of the year, and before that i have to do a LOT of work bc *guys i really want to get into oxford pls omg* (i'm literally writing more for essay comps than my novels these days tbh), and after that there's obviously a-levels themselves,,,, so if i start writing slower, that's why :)))))


@flyleaf_fable thank you!!!! I’ll do my best!!!


@nyxiekitsune OMG! All the best. I’m an Eng Lit major but had history and psychology too. It’s gonna be a wild ride if you make it. 


does anyone feel like listening to me run a few story ideas by them??? I kind of have a general idea of a story but the setting and stuff is really tripping me up so if anyone feels like it,,, hmu!!


@nyxiekitsune if u still need someone to bounce ideas off of, I'm always up to hear about fellow creatives newest works