
Hi, everyone! Not a chapter update (sincerest apologies) but just a life update b/c I'm trying to get rid of my bad habit of disappearing for months.
          	First, I apologize again for not having the next chapter out sooner. A couple of things have happened over the past couple of months that I felt like I should prioritize more since these matters revolved around career stuff and so I had to put updates on a back burner.
          	I'm also visiting family at the moment! I was going to try and write during my visit, but with this possibly being the last time I get to spend an extended break with them, I am choosing to focus on them at the moment instead of spending hours locked in my room writing (b/c I have the worst pacing when it comes to writing).
          	Thank you for your patience and understanding! I do have a good slew of drafts lined up and I'll get right to work when I come back home, so the next update should be around mid-August. I hope everyone's summer is going well and that y'all are keeping cool from the heat!!
          	ciao for now -- knee <3


haven't checked back in a while and glad ur ok !! <3


@choco_chip19 @Snhaitembu @AmauryHood thank you guys so much!! <3 <3 <3


Don’t worry! We’ve been patiently waiting and can continue to wait— focus on your life first! You’ve already achieved so much and we’re very proud how far you come!!! Enjoy the moments you have with your family, it’s very precious and understandable :) 


I started this book some years back. I came back & read the edited version of I'll Protect You. Completed the book & sad to say goodbye to the characters but I'm so happy there is a sequel!!!! :) :) 01/04/2024 Happy Easter Monday & hey it's Fools Day too !


          Just wanted to compliment your great work on this book. I read this book in my early high school years and have redownloaded the app 6 years later to reread this book! I can’t wait to see the finished product of your new version. This is such a great escape from my college endeavors and allows me to reminisce in a story I highly enjoyed reading in my younger years.thank you for your time and Dedication to this story! 


Hey @orangechicken,
          To clear up my brain, there are currently three versions of “I’ll protect you”and the sequel “i’ll defend you” was taken down and will come back after the most recent “i’ll protect you”. Is this correct? Also, big fan i came across this last year and can’t wait to see where the new version is headed. I also wanted to know if you’d be willing to share your law school journey? :)


@hlprbw hi! thank you for reading! i’m happy you’re enjoying the journey so far! and you’re correct — there’s (3) versions of IPY, the most recent one being the one currently written. there was a sequel called “I’ll Defend You” but i took it down to work on IPY 2023. 
            also yes feel free to ask me about law school! i’m currently working now and waiting my admissions ceremony :)


The Queen, the living legend has done a return with a new chapter AHHHHH I’m so excited to read! I always check to see any updates and it’s just my favorite thing to look forward to ever since the first edition, thank you for continuing your efforts, your work is greatly appreciated!!! (:


@AmauryHood thank you so much!!! <3 i'm so happy you've stuck around for the newer editions, it means the world to me!


Howdy! Just dropping by to show appreciation for your continued efforts. It's been a while since I've left anything here but I've been following the new rewrite and it's by far my favorite. Every time I get the notification for a new chapter I set aside time to go read it, and each one has been a marked improvement all around. Eternally grateful for you voluntarily setting aside time to work on this.
          Thank you thank you thank you,


@RazorzEdge43 thank you so much for taking the time to write this! i'm so happy to hear that you've been enjoying the updates, my real gratitude is towards you for continuing to come back and reading the chapters when you can, you have no idea how much it means to me. thank you!!