
I have alot to do with the Culling Game Arc for Reborn Curse...I am going to have to make quirks for people which will be fun but at the same time kinda exhausting seeing as I will have to try to balance them out and not make them OP...I was thinking of putting Kashimo in there but wanna try to make something original for this book so this will take longer than expected as I need to make moves for the quirks though I think this will be a fun Arc to write see y'all in that first chapter of the new Arc and hope you all are having a nice day/evening/night :)


But idk...if y'all wanna give me ideas I'm up for it ngl it would defiantly help me out with that work load :)


I have alot to do with the Culling Game Arc for Reborn Curse...I am going to have to make quirks for people which will be fun but at the same time kinda exhausting seeing as I will have to try to balance them out and not make them OP...I was thinking of putting Kashimo in there but wanna try to make something original for this book so this will take longer than expected as I need to make moves for the quirks though I think this will be a fun Arc to write see y'all in that first chapter of the new Arc and hope you all are having a nice day/evening/night :)


But idk...if y'all wanna give me ideas I'm up for it ngl it would defiantly help me out with that work load :)


Honestly y'all ngl but I want to write another sample book to see if y'all would like is just something that has been on my mind for a while on my break so for now I'm going to halt the first chapter for Rebirth Six Eyes and write this really quickly :)


@paperweight04 have as much time as you need 


I just wanted to update you all for now it seems my computer is doing well no more blue screens as of now but I am on edge right now since I don't want it to give up on me.
          On a side note I'm going to write a chapter for the new rework of Izuku Gojo tomorrow that is if my computer is still good tomorrow I'll see you all there when the first chapter release probably next week since I plan for the first chapter to be at least 10,000 words like it was last time


@paperweight04 That is good to hear I cant wait for the new Chapter


Damn…bad news folks my computer might have given up on me…every time I put in my password it just blue screens me…this will most likely put me in hiatus…and not going to lie to y’all…it might even be the end of the line for me and as I type this out it keeps blue screening me…if I don’t see anything good happening to my computer by the end of my break…I might have throw the towel in…which it saddens me to do to y’all…I would write on my phone but it is too uncomfortable for my hands…man this is actually making me kinda sad that I might have to give up on write…if so it was fun writing for y’all and I will miss the many comments y’all have put on my books but for now just hope my hand me down computer lives on until I’m done writing for y’all…


@kingkhang24 That seems to have worked I'm on my computer right now but I'm just keeping it running for the night to see if any more crashing happens and so far it has been good as of this moment I'm telling you right now thank you for the suggestion :)


@kingkhang24 Or update your drivers if it’s outdated


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Lol so I was chilling out yesterday and trying to write and I hopped on TikTok to see if I could get inspired by anything I saw a live that a person was playing Fortnite and kid you not lmao seen they were using a Toga skin and went bat shit crazy going on Fortnite and there was Dabi, Shigaraki, and Toga there...I bought them the second I saw all three of them in the item shop.
          Btw I seem to be having wicked writer's block rn and so I'm going to have to extend my break so I can get over this I honestly tried to write but I ended up sitting at my computer all night and only writing a single page though during this break I'll try to write a chapter sorry once again for not being a good author :(


@paperweight04 'not a good author' I agree with rinejin that is bullcrap, just take a break as long as you need and write when you feel like you can other wise just go and game or something to get some inspiration.


Giving me that that tsundere vibe lmao but thank you ;)


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@ paperweight04  nuh uh, fuck you mean "not being a good author"?! You are a good one you damn idiot, take a break for as long as you need, its not like you control when you get a writer block and when not
            But fr now, its fine, extend the break if you feel the need to, no need to force yourself and write when you know you wont be able to


I am sorry about the constant announcements but I have some news to share with you that involves my book "Izuku Gojo Of The Six Eyes" From today moving forward the book is getting a whole new remake
          'what do you mean paper?'
          Well this means that I am removing the whole "Yagi" concept of the whole book like removing Bakugou twins, Yagi twins, and Todoroki twins...I honestly was looking back on it and thought man this Yagi concept is getting boring so from now on I will no longer write anything that involves Izuku Yagi anymore
          I reread the first two chapters of "Izuku Gojo" and thought maybe I can do better ya know? so everything is getting removed except for what is planned for my OC's and Harem they are still going to be there but will be written differently in the new remake
          I hope that with the first chapter coming out later in the weeks will make you all like it then the Izuku Yagi thing I had going for ngl...I keep forgetting to write about the female twins lol anyway I don't know what it'll be out but it will be out later in the week so see you all there :)


@yunarukami45 Yeah that is what I wanted to go with since I'm over the Izuku Yagi thing


@paperweight04 cool I hope you do something with Your scrapped chapter. 


It is now called "The Six Eyes Rebirth"


So for the new book or rather the sample book I wanna see how it does for now like maybe I'll check back on it in a week and if I think it did fairly well I'll probably start writing for it fully just so I don't burnout for my JJk x MHA stories