
When writing the next chapter, I found that I like the Minecraft world more than the DxD world. Probably because of the freedom? I couldn’t tell you. The problem is that I don’t know where to take the story right now, now that Markus is in the DxD world.
          	So I would like you guys to give me some ideas like who governs the city he lives in, if there are fallen angels or another faction also there, etc. 
          	I just don’t want it to get boring. And I would appreciate your advice. Thanks in advance.


@pausevlim perhaps Bang from One Punch man? Maybe as a mentor character or maybe someone like a mage who acts as rival to him


@pausevlim perhaps you could add some characters from other series to spice things up, either as companions or rivals could work


After playing the final shape, a witness disciple X DxD would be rather interesting. Due to the nature of DxD, the witness could want a certain sacred gear or artifact due to the number of gods in DxD.
          I think a fanfic based off of this idea would be pretty neat. What would you think?


I'ma be honest after reading about the Minecraft part of your book, makes me want to do a Sculk themed character in the world of DxD, the main characters abilities would be "Soul absorption" and "experience absorption" where they can gain the soul of there infected or slain targets and copy/absorb there abilities. And with essence absorption be able to know how to perfectly wield it as did the previous owner. 
          As for Sacred Gears that would be interesting, because yes the main mc could copy a sacred gear but it wouldn't be as powerful as the original unless she/he/it absorbed it's soul into the Sculk. 
          But what do you think? Because I'm kinda tired of my DnD book, just something about it makes me kinda bored of it and I want to get back to DxD, so any thoughts or anything that you can add into this idea?


@Dio167208 It sounds interesting. I’ll look forward to it.


@pausevlim Long story short MC dies gets reincarnated and has the option between a s*** ton of the race choices from DXD However there is another option called the custom race the MC can craft their own race However for as many positives as they give to their person They will also have negatives to affect them. She/he picks the custom Makes the skulk and gives it four main abilities, "Soul absorption" "experience absorption" "dimensional travel" "infestation".
            Soul absorption to be with a gain other powers from those slain/infected
            Experience absorption to be able to game mastery over the absorbed power and also information as well. 
            Dimensional travel to be able to travel between dimensions, like the Sculk world and the other dimensions like Earth heaven purgatory and everything else. 
            Lastly infestation to be able to infect an essentially act as a draining effect, This way the MC doesn't have to just overpower everyone She/he/it can attack them from the inside and their soul making it a three way battle.
            However negatives are the following: 
            Loss of touch, sight, and taste. 
            Weakness to fire
            Weakness to holy
            Weakness to healing magic 
            And more
            However all these weaknesses can be overcome if the Sculk overlord (aka the MC) absorbs an individual who has said weakness, there body will evolve to be able to use thr power, either mitigating the weakness or flat out getting rid of it. 
            Also good to hear, I look forward to seeing this new chapter of yours. But what do you think?


When writing the next chapter, I found that I like the Minecraft world more than the DxD world. Probably because of the freedom? I couldn’t tell you. The problem is that I don’t know where to take the story right now, now that Markus is in the DxD world.
          So I would like you guys to give me some ideas like who governs the city he lives in, if there are fallen angels or another faction also there, etc. 
          I just don’t want it to get boring. And I would appreciate your advice. Thanks in advance.


@pausevlim perhaps Bang from One Punch man? Maybe as a mentor character or maybe someone like a mage who acts as rival to him


@pausevlim perhaps you could add some characters from other series to spice things up, either as companions or rivals could work


What do you guys think about my new story?


What up my friend 


@Pausevlim i mean ya paladin vs undead, a fitting matchup.


@Dio167208 Ainz is gonna make him pull out the Paladin build.


@pausevlim having the smithing stone stuff would be cool, gives all weapons usability especially in the beginning stages.