
the final For Jakob chapter is officially up, thank you for reading and being so kind always


@pourthemoon Thanks for sharing your talent with us. Hoping you are always doing well and are happy. Looking forward to reading more books from you, however long it takes. ♥️


@pourthemoon My favorite book on this sight, I am so proud of you for finishing it and I thank you for sharing your amazing writing with us love


I’m gonna start it now, I loved Alette and have read it twice already, and definitely not for the last time - absolutely adore your writing xx


And know ladies and gentlemen I can start reading jackob without being on my toes for the next update ❤️special thanks to the author for the amazing books looking forward for your future books ❤️stay safe. lots of love❤️*hugging emoji*


Hey !!
          Does adulting feel like a challenging and terrifying moment? 
          Wanna read a book on teenage life and adjusting to adulting? 
          Check out my book " A Peek Into The Life Of A Brown Girl " and feel connected with relatable characters. 
          Do share this among your friends and leave us a review. We would love to know your thoughts. 
          Thank you!!


Is Jakob brown skin, bc I read his book and I thought it was implied that he was white because idk it was never mentioned and then in Atlette, Adler says he has brown skin and this has no meaning bc I can imagine them however I want not saying he’s not brown like I’ll imagine him brown but he also has a beard (Jakob) like whattttt because this is such an epiphany that I had no clue even happened it is just a super surprise not that it’s bad okay bc I’m not racist I have brown skin too just wondering bc the descriptions in each book seem very different but like Yk. I was just wondering…. 
          Love your books too they are lowkey amazing. Also if you do Adriks book will his girl have a stutter as well not that it’s bad just that they both have it I’m sorry I’m rambling ehem. 


Omg thank you so much also I didn’t want to be offensive I was just wondering if his girl would be sunshine and soft like atlette and callan but I worded it so wrong  so I’m very angry at myself and I know you have a life so I don’t except u to make books 


@BenjaminWasworthWife i don't write any descriptions for most characters, unless they are kind of vague (hair, general body shape, eyes etc.), because i want people to be able to imagine the main characters as they want; i hadn't intended on writing a story for jakob when i first introduced him in alette, however in my head he was always brown skinned, and even in his own story, he is to me, however i know that people don't imagine him as such. They are written vaguely on purpose, but anything that doesn't line up between both books will make sense after i've finished for jakob, because i'll have to edit alette to match, again due to the fact that I didn't intend on writing a story for Jakob. callan has a speech impediment, as mentioned in her story, and faye did it out of anxiety, however again, these are rough drafts of both books, nothing is edited so there will be changes if I do end up editing. In terms of another book, I don't have any intentions on writing anything else at this point, but maybe in the future - I hope that all makes sense, thank you for reading!