
Hello my lovelies, I cannot apologise enough for going MIA for AGES and to be quite honest, im struggling to write this book consistently whilst studying my A-Levels.
          	But don’t worry because im already writing the new chapters and they will be realised together as an apology for being MIA for so long!
          	To say I haven’t thought about my book every day would be a lie, and it made me realise how much I really love writing, and im hoping to even become an author one day.
          	Thank you so much for your endless support and kind messages, and for just putting up with my lateness this year…it’s been so hectic. But new chapters shall be here soon! 
          	Again, thank you all for your endless support.


@princessofthelibrary no, take youre time. I love the book and i want to read more but I also have my final exams and I know how stressful it is
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Guys so I’ll be so honest the next update will be after my exams which ends on like the 24th June. I apologise I know it’s a bit of a while away (well not really for me with exams) but I hope you can all understand. And I’ll post 3 new chapter on that date to make up for it <3
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Hey not to rush u or anything but when are the new chapter coming out ? And how many will there be cus I just can’t wait


@Beatriceilovewrites She posted a message saying after her exams end and they end on like 24th June.
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Hello my lovelies, I cannot apologise enough for going MIA for AGES and to be quite honest, im struggling to write this book consistently whilst studying my A-Levels.
          But don’t worry because im already writing the new chapters and they will be realised together as an apology for being MIA for so long!
          To say I haven’t thought about my book every day would be a lie, and it made me realise how much I really love writing, and im hoping to even become an author one day.
          Thank you so much for your endless support and kind messages, and for just putting up with my lateness this year…it’s been so hectic. But new chapters shall be here soon! 
          Again, thank you all for your endless support.


@princessofthelibrary no, take youre time. I love the book and i want to read more but I also have my final exams and I know how stressful it is
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Guys so I’ll be so honest the next update will be after my exams which ends on like the 24th June. I apologise I know it’s a bit of a while away (well not really for me with exams) but I hope you can all understand. And I’ll post 3 new chapter on that date to make up for it <3
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Hii, i just i want só say that is a incrediable story and i every month look at This story and see and if There is someting New, i hope that you are ok


Thank you so much for the kind message! I’ve posted a new message as an update so far ❤️‍
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