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A British helicopter damaged and chased by Taliban Stingers from Afghanistan enters Pakistan then China and is fired upon by both. With no escape route left the pilot heads towards K2 and a crash in an inaccessible valley leads two men by fluke to a hidden valley on which the legends of Shangri-La grew. The pilot meets a golden haired blue eyed savage amazon there.


As per the secret will and testament of the Duke of Inverness read only by the Duke's best friends, the King and Queen, in the presence of Sir Ashley, the 17 year old Lady Oreithyia is set to inherit the 1st trillion pounds fortune the world's seen. Unfortunately, she is in a valley still unknown to the world. The 21 year old Prince of Wales is on his 1st State visit to the now peaceful Kingdom of Afghanistan.The heiress has to be picked up from the undemarcated area between India and Pakistan above the Siachen glacier, the world's highest and most expensive battlefield at above 18,000 feet where the fighting has continued for more than 50 years. To truly complicate matters China has jumped in the fray ensuring 3 nuclear powers squabbling over real estate where "not even a blade of grass grows" turns it into the most dangerous flashpoint on earth as the world watches with bated breath helplessly.

How difficult can getting a girl out be with all the resources of His Majesty at their disposal? Well, it's the highest concentration of over 7,000 metre peaks in the world with K2 and 3 more of the world's total of 14 over 8,000 metre peaks forming the highest 20 mile line on earth and is notoriously called the 3rd pole having the harshest environment on the planet. Impossible, as the man for the job is the most unimaginable candidate, the biggest playboy and the most arrogant, selfish and obnoxious Prince the world has seen since absolute monarchy ended!
  • Vagabondish
  • Pripojený/áOctober 17, 2012

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