
Hey guys and merry Christmas Eve.
          	I know I’ve been gone for a long time. I’ve been through a lot recently and my mental health got really bad. But I’m getting better. Maybe I’ll explain it all someday. 
          	School has also been tough but I’m about to go on my externship which will be a full time position.
          	I was planning on getting back to writing, I just didn’t know when because I’m still going through a lot. But as a few of you noticed Baby Doll is now gone. 
          	I didn’t delete it or take it down for editing. Wattpad deleted it.
          	And that’s kind of my final straw with this app. 
          	I’m not going to say I won’t change my mind in the future, but right now I don’t want to write on here anymore.
          	My plans are to edit my completed stories and put them on Amazon. And then eventually finish my uncompleted ones. 
          	I know you guys aren’t going to like that, but at this point, I can’t keep putting myself through all the stuff that’s happened with wattpad over the time I’ve been writing on here.
          	Like I said, I can’t say I won’t change my mind, but that’s how I feel right now.
          	I’m not deleting my account or anything, so you can still read the stories I have up, but I don’t think I’ll be back for a long time.
          	I’m sorry. I know a lot of you will be disappointed. But after BD being taken down I just can’t deal with this anymore.
          	You can follow me on Instagram (itsbluejeeps) if you guys want to keep up with me.
          	I love you guys and will forever be grateful for the support you’ve shown me over the last couple years.
          	You haven’t seen the last of me. I promise.
          	But for now, I’m saying goodbye.


@ridinginbluejeeps it's almost been what- 4-5 years since your last post on this account? I hope whatever you're doing, and wherever you are. You're Happy, and healthier then ever. I hope this app is one of the last things you worry about now as you continue to grow your writing. We still love you, and we miss you.


@ridinginbluejeeps we all miss ya, hell i just found out about this like 2 seconds ago, but, we’ll all be waiting, so take your time.
          	  Nikolai’s Tip of the day: “is it cloudy in your mind? Just take your time! It’s gonna be okay!”


@ridinginbluejeeps We miss you <3 Just hope you're doing okay :,)
          	   Sending love <3 <3 <3
          	  - Trash


Hey everyone I know it’s been a long time but I’ve been trying to find sugar daddy again but I can’t find it anywhere if someone knows where it could be let me knowwww thank youuuuu☺️


@dliving222 if you scroll down a bit more you will see a message. They said they started posting baby doll on AO3. The links attached to that message


@AvishkaJayasinghe yes, please someone reupload Sugar Daddy and Baby Doll also!!!


@lovesob It's taken down. Lemme know if you find a re-upload babe