
Okay, I'm trying this new thing where I don't sit on a story for a decade before releasing it... . The first two chapters of "Eclipsed" are live! I'll probably post a bit more and then switch to a schedule.
          	If you haven't yet read "A Slip of the Hand," I highly recommend doing so before starting "Eclipsed"!


@MyrandaRae Thank you ❤️❤️❤️! I’m excited to get it out! 


@scarlettrosestories YES! Love this. Let the story flow & go, girl. It will be written as it's meant to be written ❤❤❤


Okay, I'm trying this new thing where I don't sit on a story for a decade before releasing it... . The first two chapters of "Eclipsed" are live! I'll probably post a bit more and then switch to a schedule.
          If you haven't yet read "A Slip of the Hand," I highly recommend doing so before starting "Eclipsed"!


@MyrandaRae Thank you ❤️❤️❤️! I’m excited to get it out! 


@scarlettrosestories YES! Love this. Let the story flow & go, girl. It will be written as it's meant to be written ❤❤❤


Unceremoniously on a Wednesday just before lunch, I did it: I finished my first novel. Pardon me while I melt into the floor.


@wildfirehoney Thank you! I think about younger me sometimes and how I never thought I would finish (I have three more abandoned novels sitting on my hard drive), and it feels good! 


Just seeing this — congrats!!! ☃️
            Younger you would be so proud that it’s finished ❤️


A couple announcements on this sunny Friday:
          -I’ve been working super long days (at my actual job) and getting like 5 hours of sleep a night, and I think my brain has gone a bit squishy—not the best state for finishing a story. But, I’m about 90% done writing the final chapter and epilogue of ASotH. I want to publish them at once, so I’m holding off until they’re both ready to go.
          -I’ve been inspired to write a spin-off sequel… so this won’t be the end of these characters! This was a surprise to myself, as I was not AT ALL intending to make this any kind of series, but when inspiration strikes, I let it do its thing. 
          I hope you’re all doing well and have a great weekend!


I’m so sorry for my silence! Work got super busy, and I’ve been cranking out projects with tight deadlines. Because of this, I’ve been working super long days/some weekends to get it all done, and I haven’t had the time or the mental energy to put the finishing touches on the remaining chapters. I’m NOT going to rush these chapters just to get them done, so I apologize for the delay!


Alert: Chapter 47 of A Slip of the Hand has been overhauled! 
          Why? Because in an effort to stick to my posting schedule last February, I posted (from my phone on an airplane!) something that was more of a draft than I wanted to admit to myself. None of the plot has changed; it's just a little more fleshed out now and hopefully more enjoyable to read.
          (This is also why I don't firmly stick to a posting schedule anymore, as annoying as that is.)


New chapters two weeks in a row?! Chapter 57 of A Slip of the Hand is live! 
          General status update: 
          A Slip of the Hand is currently sitting at 60 chapters and an epilogue. Things could always change a bit during editing, but it's not going to suddenly grow to 70 chapters, or even 65. The end is coming, which is incredibly bittersweet. I actually started writing this in 2013 (!!!), so it's been a LONG time coming. I put it down and picked it back up more times than I can count, but I've always had the story kicking around in my head.
          Along those lines, I started three more stories around that same time, and I've sporadically worked on them (some more than others) while needing a break from ASotH. So I won't disappear once ASotH wraps!
          I hope you all have a great weekend!