
It is good to be back, got nothing else to say.


@sivaniy just asking did you previously have other works posted here? Cause i keep seeing hints but never the books :') i hope you post stuff again even if its just first draft 


Oh my gosh. I just finished I Like Your Shoes. Best book ever. You, my friend, are an amazing writer! That book was so freaking good!! ♡


Aww. Of course. 


@Bangtan_ARMY_419 thank you, I adore and cherish you. I'm so glad you liked it :)


Tbh I discovered i like your shoes maybe an year ago , and it’s my far most favourite book . Whenever I’m low I read it , I hope this book gets widely acknowledged because the way you wrote it , it’s beautiful. It’s a very funny book thank you for writing it




@zoeyyy_04 ah then we are the same, my friend. I wrote it when I was low, and I'm so glad it did the same for you as it did for me. All my love :)


this message may be offensive
          It's been months since I've updated any of my books, and to be honest, months since I've had the enthusiasm to sit down and write stories. It is certainly not that I've lost the urge to write, or that I've hit a brick wall, no. Somewhere along the line, I stopped writing for myself. It didn't concern me then, but when I reached a point where the words just did not flow, I realized how drained I actually was. I am a story teller, and this made me disappointed, so I started beating myself up. This made things worse. My urge to write something, anything surpassed the urge to put out good stories that satisfied me. And life swept me in this enormous wave of responsibilities and aspirations that I was left reeling, everywhere but nowhere at the same time. 
          Wattpad is not the reason I started writing, but it surely is the reason why I'm still writing. It is the place I found readers, friends, meaningful criticism. It was my writing heaven, but no more. I have decided to quit writing just so I can put up more chapters, because that was the only motivation that kept me going before it completely exhausted me. From now, I will be writing for myself. Every word I type in will paint the picture for me, and only me, until I can show the polished story to you.
          I cannot say when I'll be back, or if I'll be coming back, but my stories will be up for anyone who cares to read them and I'll still read the comments you guys are kind enough to post, those were a ray of sunshine in the dark days. Maybe I'll see you guys someday, a presentable writer who has her shit together, who writes stories you can fall in love with without trying. I wish all of you well until then.
          Much love. x


@sivaniy Stay strong .You're doing great xxx 