
Love. The word pounded back with each quickening heartbeat.
          	Chapter 3, Good Intentions, of IHFP2 is now up.


“I like vanilla. It’s simple, smooth, and classic, Miss Rocky Road. Marshmallows and peanuts do not belong in ice cream together.”
          “And I like a mix of sweet, sinful, and nuts in my mouth,” was her sarcastic response. “Maybe you should sample other flavors in your life, dear, plain vanilla, Elle.”
          “Are we still talking about ice cream?”
          Chapter 2, Priorities, is now up for IHFP2. 

          I don't have a consistent posting update YET, bear with me.


@still_just_me im definitely the vanilla side but it's fun to change things from time to time too. also vanilla isn't necessarily boring or unexciting. for me it's about romance, slowness and savouring the moment. it's quite sexy!!


@annabellacx Were you the vanilla or rocky road? :)


@still_just_me sounds like a conversation I'd have with my guy. except that we broke up lol.


Finding relationships is easy... Keeping them is the real game.
          That's what I'm learning in my first one. It's not easy. Our rival schools are an hour apart, my best friend's turning secretive, my parents are controlling, and my brother's still an ass, gearing toward winning the state championship, and still doesn't like my boyfriend, Logan.
          I get it, they're rivals, and I kinda feel like Logan's team might be better but this season will decide.
          Being the star rival quarterback's girlfriend brings big rumors and big drama, especially when elements of our pasts resurface - his jaded ex whatevers, and the secrets I thought I'd buried and moved beyond. All of this while I just want to figure out where to go for college and what for.
          Some relationships will always stand the test of time and distance, while others crumble by the time the high school dust settles. I hope Logan and I are in the former because I'm falling hard for him.
          Really hard. Forever love hard.
          IHFP2's new Chapter 1 is posted. I will try to get 1-3 chapters back/week, so please add it to your reading list!
          Note: Mature language and some chapters have mature content. To follow Wattpad's under-18 contents guidelines, the impacted scenes will all be fade-to-black. The explicit version of this story will not be coming back here. :(


Hi! I love your work! Do you know what happened to “I hate football players book 2”? 


@SydneyLewis5 TYSM for finding my stories! 
            IHFP2 contains mature, explicit scenes for characters that are 17. This was in line with Wattpad's rules of consent/mature content for characters under 18 when I wrote the story, but they updated the guidelines a few weeks ago so that, no explicit scenes can involve under-18 characters, and I voluntarily removed the story until I can figure out how to address this. (Unfortunately, Ellie being 17 and Logan being 18 was critical to the plotline).


So excited that Brody's Girl has been featured by @Romance on their Young Adult reading list! Check out their other lists for some great reads. ❤️❤️❤️


When is Brody's Girl going to resume?


@SLGojk thank you!! I've gotten The Goalie's Good Luck Charm's first draft nearly finished. Should be this week, then it's all BG2. ❤️❤️❤️




A couple of teasers as to why I've been so quiet lately. ❤️❤️❤️