
Happy Birthday to Liv (: My first JJK content! I hope y'all enjoy it!


I logged in to my old (and quite cringe) account from when I was 11 and found you and your fics bring back amazing memories for me! Truly, I loved Mind Boggled so much that I posted fanart for it (which was quite terrible and obviously drawn by an 11 year old, but that's besides the point), and i was so happy when you commented on it. And honestly, even 5 years later, I really enjoy your fics. You're one of the only people I follow from back then that's still active and I'm glad. I'm not active on here any more because I moved to Ao3, but I'm planning on catching up on your fics there. Thanks for being an amazing writer and an amazing part of my early fanfic journey! ❤️


@1-800-WEEB-SERVICES Aww, thank you! I'm glad you were able to enjoy them back then and I hope you can continue to now (:


Heya, Straw! Hope you had a great week! I've been seeing you around the MHA community for a while now, and when I noticed you've written for Naruto (Six Years Too Long and Six Years After absolutely crack me up whenever I reread them), I knew I had to shoot you an invite to a discord. 
          It's based on writing & fanfic in general, but we've got a bunch of MHA people there and a good scattering of a lot of other fandoms as well. Personally, I leap at the opportunity to get another MHA appreciator in the discord. If you do end up deciding to join I can go ahead and get you set up with a personal channel, too, if that's something that you think you might want.
          The link is below, just delete the spaces and paste it in any browser if you're interested in joining. If you have any questions or are hesitant to go to a link, there are other ways to join too, so just let me know. 
          discord. gg/elibrary 
          Whether you're interested or not just let me know, hope to hear back from you either way. Thank you!


That's great! Glad to see you settled in!


@KobaHanai Joined ((: Not sure if I'll stick around, not much of a server goer outside my own, but it looks cool


You make me cry  .  I love reading your stories. You're a great writer. Just read You Are The Moon, I'm still crying, I think you captured the grief of losing a loved one so well. Can't wait for you to update if you decide too. Hope you're doing well. 


@Jaz-Is-Weird I definitely will! I forgot about that one omg


If it's not too much to ask .... Could you update palm to palm? It's such a good story and you don't get many dadmight fics. Like ever, so if you'll update some time, anytime this year..... I'll be waiting.

