
A few more chapters out. Unfortunately I sprained my wrist doing something stupid so won't be able to dive into  typing a ton...but I have a good 5 to 10 chapters to edit and submit to keep me busy. Enjoy!!


@thegreentraveler I'm so sorry *sob* quick recovery. 


A few more chapters out. Unfortunately I sprained my wrist doing something stupid so won't be able to dive into  typing a ton...but I have a good 5 to 10 chapters to edit and submit to keep me busy. Enjoy!!


@thegreentraveler I'm so sorry *sob* quick recovery. 


On a roll with these chapters! "She's So High" out now and "Don't You Worry" coming soon.  Hope you are all enjoying this rollercoaster ride with these characters! Comment and let me know who you think should be with who.  As you can tell, it can go either way!


The chapter, "You're Somebody Else", has been published! Here's a little teaser for you. Let me know what you think!
          [The rawness of Julia's truth stabs into my chest, sending a shooting pain through me.
          Two grown men in their thirties brought to tears from one woman's words. We both know Julia should be in a facility, yet we both fight to keep her here. What the hell are we even doing?
          This isn't the Julia either of us fell in love with. She's somebody else right now. She's beyond broken. I'd go as far as saying she's beyond suicidal. She's just numb. Here, but not here. Breathing but not living. Almost like someone on life support whose heart still beats but is no longer with us, and neither me nor James can pull the plug.


One more chapter published  tonight. "I Hate It Here." This one was a tough one to write due to personal experiences with mental health and loved ones. More to come in the next few days. Let me know how you like  my  story so far. It's my first so any feedback is appreciated.


this message may be offensive
Another chapter published and two on the way!   Here's a little piece from Reckless Promises.
          "It's my fucking drinking that caused everything. I promised you I'd help you, and instead, my recklessness just dragged you down with me."
          " You guys are practically enemies. You hate each other but keep it civil for everyone around you. He's jealous of you and your life and... I think you're jealous of him a little. Am I right?"
          "I don't hate the guy, Julia." I keep my focus on the ceiling while we lay next to each  other. I really don't hate him. He has never done anything wrong.
          "I just hate that he won. He won you. You love him, and he treats you well. So, yeah. Maybe I AM a little jealous. I didn't treat you well. We fought all the time, you and me." I pause, and Jules listens intently, letting me talk. It's rare we talk like this.
          "He shouldn't be jealous of my life, though. You see what it's like. I swear people think money is fucking everything. Being Nate Hollan comes with a price. You know that. Everything I do is under the microscope and judged. Nothing's private. Nothing. You see how people twist shit. I love doing what I do for a living. I just wish people would be respectful and leave me and everyone associated with me alone."