
this message may be offensive
So! I died for a bit and came back! It's official to anyone who reads my langst that it is finished I'm sorry, I can't write it after what happened I thought I'd get through it but I didn't. Thank you for the support over the year or two I was writing it, it meant a lot to me :) 
          	I'm gonna miss writing it but I'm starting a new project as all my current ones have fizzled out and make me feel shit... So I'm starting a new story soon I hope you guys read it and enjoy it
          	(Haven't been on this app for so long I forgot how to post a friggen message to my activity dang)


@hannahbanana5683 aw thanks dude, I'm sorry about having to stop, I'm planning on starting a few new projects if that's of any interest


@very_anxiety_noodle I'll miss your langst story because I loved it so much. Thank you for sharing your langst with us while you did and I hope you continue to write.


this message may be offensive
Hello there! Just checkin in :) it’s been about 3 years hehe- I just wanted to say you’ve really helped me a lot, but not just academically but also mentally. Back when Voltron was still big I was struggling with some mommy issues- and writing out my thoughts was a good strategy but reading about relatable struggles really helped me out, you’re one of my favourite writers and I still come back to this book to just revisit my memories. I’m doing a lot better now!  I still have a long way to go but it’s been ok. I hope you’re doing ok too, you seemed like you were struggling with life and shit. Well you’re probably not going to see this but i hope you have a great day :D.


this message may be offensive
So! I died for a bit and came back! It's official to anyone who reads my langst that it is finished I'm sorry, I can't write it after what happened I thought I'd get through it but I didn't. Thank you for the support over the year or two I was writing it, it meant a lot to me :) 
          I'm gonna miss writing it but I'm starting a new project as all my current ones have fizzled out and make me feel shit... So I'm starting a new story soon I hope you guys read it and enjoy it
          (Haven't been on this app for so long I forgot how to post a friggen message to my activity dang)


@hannahbanana5683 aw thanks dude, I'm sorry about having to stop, I'm planning on starting a few new projects if that's of any interest


@very_anxiety_noodle I'll miss your langst story because I loved it so much. Thank you for sharing your langst with us while you did and I hope you continue to write.


Here ya go, Fáelan! Have a positivity chain!
          List 5 things you like about yourself, and then send this chain to ten of your followers! <333 
          (Don’t worry, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to)


@TheChristianOtaku lol thank you but I don't like anything about me pffft so uh I think I'll pass but thank you so much :))


A happy belated birthday to you, Fáelan! 
          I hope that your day has been a prosperous and uplifting, and that you know how loved you are on your special day!! <3<3<3


Of course! <3 ^w^


@TheChristianOtaku OMG I'm sorry I didn't see this!!!! Thank you so much 


Hey guess who found his name after like a year and a half of knowing I'm trans. Me!
          I was going by evandar for a while but I found a better one. 
          Fáelan! (Faylin) it means little wolf and is Irish! 


@ very_anxiety_noodle  no problem Fáelan 


@ very_anxiety_noodle  @ very_anxiety_noodle  Yay! I'll call you like that, Fàelan!  ^^


It's me. The friend of Luna. I am a..Chair? xD
          Uhm..I just have a new Account, yeah.
          Bai? xD


You would probably just be confused so yeah lol


@LyingFears6 hi lol thanks for telling me