
Thank you so much for the support this campaign has already received. I really appreciate it so much. <3
          	If you have any experience(s) with cancer and want to share it with the community, you can send it to hashtag.wecancervive@gmail.com
          	Thanks! #wecancervive


Hi! If this is a cancer Champaign profile then is there any profile for people suffering from disorders of eyes or ears, or for the people who cannot talk. Just wanted to ask as I've been searching a lot for such profile but couldn't find any. 


¡I LOVE THIS ACCOUNT! I was searching in wattpad and I found this amazing campaing. Sorry from my english. I am from Spain and I had got cancer of blood twice. Once with 12 years old and other with 14. I am 15, in may the doctors changed my bone marrow. Now, I am fine and the last month I started to write a blog about oncology and hematology and our feelings because the people give money for we don't die but nobody knows nothing about the really life of patients and that make me feel sad. So, I decidid write this special book. A lot of persons have loved it, somepeople says that I have help them. Even we are #1 on No Fiction for some weeks. What I want to tell is that I will help you how much I can, just tell me what do.


@noeta112  thank you very much 


Good english XD