
I'm going to update Summer Next To The Bad Boy later!! (: 


the truth in my lies is insanely amazing! how does it only have 12k views?? i believe someone in a tiktok comment suggested your book but i love itttt 


@writinginthesun yeah lmao i’m not 100% sure but it only has 12k views and i remember adding a few books on wattpad because of a comment section AND LET ME TELL YOU YOURE AN AMAZING AUTHOR IN ALL OF MY THREE YEARS ON WATTPAD IVE NEVER ACTUALLY READ A SMALL BOOK AND WAS AMAZED THEY ALWAYS SUCK BUT YOUR BOOK WAS AMAZINGGGGGGG YOU DESERVE SOOOOOOOO MANY MORE READS 


@sarcasmism thank youuu!! Really?? My book made it to TikTok lol. Also, I LOVE VINNIE. I would marry him 


I started reading truth in my lies. It's turning out to be really cool. I know it's too much to ask but can you please take a look at my novel, WE WILL MEET WHEN. it's a love plottwist fiction. It'll mean a lot too me if you'll do so. please vote and comment......... LOVE. x


the truth in my lies seems like an amazing book!! i don’t like reading unfinished books so i’m wondering do you know how many chapters there gonna be or when are you finishing it? xx


@writinginthesun oo i just found this (btw if you don’t tag a person they won’t know you replied!!) i’m excited take your timee xx 


Hi!! I totally understand I’m the same way. I have a lot of chapters pre-written and since I’m almost done with school I am planning on writing more. Usually when I update I post multiple chapters at a time because I’m trying to get the book fully uploaded, because like you said, people don’t like to read unfinished books. So hopefully I will be finishing it soon. 