
So pretty random but I'm watching this ant bit my arm for like 2 mins now 
          	Bro took out all the frustration and just walked away like "That was a good stress relief"
          	Do I feel pity for the little thing and let him bite me out of generosity or I became more insanely stupid and maso 
          	*Scratches the bite place aggressively*


          	  Haha(⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠) ant is ant friend but don't make him bite you or your skin will be itchy for a long time please don't 


So pretty random but I'm watching this ant bit my arm for like 2 mins now 
          Bro took out all the frustration and just walked away like "That was a good stress relief"
          Do I feel pity for the little thing and let him bite me out of generosity or I became more insanely stupid and maso 
          *Scratches the bite place aggressively*


            Haha(⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠) ant is ant friend but don't make him bite you or your skin will be itchy for a long time please don't 


What's the one thing you do when there's a lot going on in your mind and your heart is too heavy with these unexplainable feelings but talking about it to someone else feels like you're trying to get attention. What will you do other than reaching out to people ? (Asking for a friend)


            I have experienced like this kind of situation but I don't have anyone to express my feelings I kinda keep the feelings in myself so I don't know any therapy for this sorry friend(⁠╯⁠︵⁠╰⁠,⁠)


@Celestial_Vibes94 yes yes I forgot I can literally summon any fictional crush and talk with them xD


@xxKatsukixxsimp I gave a good idea?! That rarely happens!


"The logic of life
          You can't always be happy
          There will be someday when you will fall
          And when that day comes, think of me
          To the stars and back"



@RoseStar714 yea I'll read them when I have time ❤️✨


@xxKatsukixxsimp Hope you'll like TD's Writing Style. Heck it always gives me nostalgia of our good old days :)


Tried Roller skating and damaged/fractured my legs once again 
          ( ╥ ᴗ ╥)


@Fluffy_Cluffy94 yea please be careful next time <3


@xxKatsukixxsimp heehee.... I know I should have been careful but aww man! I love showing off!
            (˵ ¬ᴗ¬˵)
            But that leads to the biggest disasters of my life!


@Fluffy_Cluffy94 be careful ToT you are more clumsy than me, take caree ❤️



@RoseStar714 hell-? What do you mean? Is everything okay??


@RoseStar714 ✨❤️❤️ soo how are youuu? Itss been a whileee or wait *clears throat* 
            Long time no see, huh *mimics Valt*


@RoseStar714 Damnnnn thanksss! I read this book tooo


Okie, so I randomly remember those fanfics where Valt would invite his friends to play a game with him and then suddenly it turns into a killing and murder thingy, like you gotta find the murderer while trying your best to stay alive. I don't remember the exact thing tho, I read them around like 2019 or smth. 
          Either I must be out of mind or seriously asking for a death wish bec I want to read something scary and that would torture my soul xD 
          Ok now serious question where in the world those awesome bbb books went to?! I cannot find a single one of those books I had in my library like againnnnn? TvT 
          I recently read this manhwa the guild member next door, even tho I'm not into games and stuff I kinda liked that manhwa, I'd like to try smth like that- like imagine Lui and Valt are being in game buddies and irl not so in good terms and they were thrown in a awkward situation that got them into fake dating thingy and hahahahahahaha I love drama and pain (this gonna be another plot where I won't write again- :') likee I can imagine things in my head but writing them actually sucks- )


@Meowpaw230 oooh reaallly? Interesting!


@xxKatsukixxsimp I guess I remember that book...


Guess who's up at ass crack of dawn on a random Tuesday having no clue why I'm still alive- yep yep that's me-
          I kinda get why Shu was in so much pain during that shoulder injury time TvT I kinda experienced it myself now- I fell off the bed while trying to run away from a guardian spirit of the ocean that I was trying to drown myself in- ahem, can't even peacefully drown in sleep too.
          Anyway- since my shoulder is a mess now, I feel even more lazier to do anything- I even start to accept the fact that I'm slowly turning into a left-handed at this point- :')
          *Hugs myself* fufufufu life ain't getting any better for this old lady perhaps karma for all the things I put valt through in the books- TvT hon mama is very sorry now now let the old woman sleep peacefully *goes back to my grave*
          Oh and, I will be fine dw I'm strong ùwú *bone crack noise* ack- TvT nvm I ain't
          HOW LONG IS THIS GONNAA TAKEEE I KEEP WRITING FOREVER FOR JUST THIS ONE CHAPTER- >:') maybe I should break down the chapter into part 2 or snth- goshhh I can't wait for the school arc and make them suffer *evil witch noises*
          Karma : Nah huh bish. You going to suffer now.
          Naaawwwwwww sirrr waaitttt-  


@xxKatsukixxsimp it was like months back so yess I'm definitely okay now! ✨️✨️


@Fluffy_Cluffy94 damnn... You okayy now? Welcome ❤️


Uhh... So question for girls 
          Do you guys get this chest pains that makes ya feel like struggling to breathe for like 5-10 mins and this pain is more horrible than period cramps while it lasts, on a regular basis?
          Uhm like for a month or two I'm getting this a lot recently 
          Y'all tell me it's normal-


@SPIANAFORESTARMY ahh dw I haven't had this pain for a while now I'm good ig 


@xxKatsukixxsimp Even if it's normal, please do check with professional medical help because what's normal for one person may not be for another.