
 I’ve been reading a lot of Jamaican books recently. I am by no means the best writer, but why does all of the stories have the same plot line? There’s always a girl that the main guy used to mess with who ends up being delusional over him but  he doesn’t want them because he’s now with the main girl


 I’ve been reading a lot of Jamaican books recently. I am by no means the best writer, but why does all of the stories have the same plot line? There’s always a girl that the main guy used to mess with who ends up being delusional over him but  he doesn’t want them because he’s now with the main girl


I feel like Interception is gonna be my last book once I try to finish writing it. Also feel like deleting When Different Worlds Collide and its sequel because I wrote them when I was so young that I can’t even read it now. 


@youknowigotsauce  I actually really liked those, and I would love for you to do a book about Dante and Jada


Hey I just got done reading interception and it is really good, I don’t if your still active or not but if u are, is that story ever going to be updated?


Oh ok that is totally understandable, interception so far is really good and you seem like such a great writer so whatever you come up with will probably be amazing so take you time


Hopefully, I will soon. I have writer’s block :/ and I want to make sure that when I do update it’s not lackluster 