Chapter 3

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'Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.'


Many years later....

The destruction that happened years ago now felt like a far away nightmare.

The whole planet was flourishing by itself.

The stereotypical idea that political leaders of different levels were needed to control the mortals was totally forgotten.

Now, the whole earth only had a single ruler. H.H King Azazel.

And his group of secretaries, cough, council members.

During these years, if there was any improvement in the life of people, it would be the balanced coexistence of humans and supernaturals.

As the King took lives without caring for species, that is.

Well, the technological industry was a bit delayed in the terms of progress. But that's a discussion for another time.

Greenery was flourishing and life that was meant to be extinct still prevailed.

In the deep jungles of one corner of this earth, a big mansion stood proud with all of its white marble glory.

Inside one of its room, laid a sleeping figure curled up on their bed.

When the sunlight hit their eyes, they blinked opened to reveal a pair of zircon brown gems, which were drowsy still.

They were Aiyana.

The baby girl born in the fiasco of chaos 17 years ago.

There was a sweet and excited smile on her lips as she washed up and got ready for the day.

She wore a purple flower printed dress, paired with ivory gladiators. And braided her luscious dark brown hair into a braid, adorning a leaf styled drop earrings to complete the look.

Today was the day.

She skipped the stairs in excitement.

Her brother promised to take her to the fair today. It would be their special time.

Although a big part of her childhood was spent with him, nowadays, she was mostly alone as her brother was extremely busy from the moment he joined college to be a doctor. Usually, he was either in college or in group studies or enjoying trips with his friends. So, he got little to no time to spend with her recently.

So, today was an extremely happy day for her. But her smile became fake the moment her brother announced that his friends too would join them for the trip to the fair.

She wanted to protest, saying that it was only their special time. But she refrained from doing so, as she didn't want to be perceived as a selfish child. And another reason being that she didn't want to tarnish the smile on her brother's face.

She was always grateful to him.

While she was watching the scenery change from her window, she could feel the excitement and fun in the air as the others were conversing with each other

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While she was watching the scenery change from her window, she could feel the excitement and fun in the air as the others were conversing with each other. Without including her.

It was happening again.

People forgetting about her existence.

No one mostly talked to her. They did not know how to. So, she was always left alone. Like now.

She didn't dislike them for not talking to her. No. She appreciated it sometimes. But she didn't like how everyone always isolated her from every group.

It felt bad.

She quickly came out of her thoughts when they reached the fair.

The Ferris wheel, the fairy lights and the cluster of various shops/stalls amazed her. Her eyes looked enchanted.

While walking around, she saw something shiny fell in front of her from the corner of her eyes. It looked like an expensive pouch when she picked it up to see. Seems that it fell down from the gray cloaked person standing ahead of her. So, she decided to return it.

When she tapped the person on their shoulder, the person became stiff and then after a moment, they turned around.

The person was a very tall man. And very intimidating.

She quickly presented him his pouch with her hands, but the strange man did not even move a bit to collect it. He was just staring at her.

Not being patient enough, she straight out pulled his hand and put the pouch on it. Afterwards, she quickly vamoosed from there.

Now, she was glancing around in a jewelry shop with her brother beside her when her eyes caught hold of a beautiful stone pendant. She wanted to buy it. But when she glanced beside her to inform her brother so that he could speak to the shopkeeper, he wasn't there.

Rather, he was at another stall laughing with his friends about something. Her calling eyes met with one of his friends standing beside him, but his friend turned him aside by clasping his arm. So that her brother couldn't see her.

The friend smirked.

He, rather they (her brother's friends), always enjoyed when she was desperate and struggling.

She did not like them. They felt bad to her.

But her brother liked them. So she never uttered a word of complaint.

Suddenly, a hand smacked hers. She glanced ahead to see the shopkeeper staring at her with annoyance and moving his lips. He ever started harshly poking his hand to his head, indicating something.

He was asking if she was crazy.

She quickly left hold of the accessory and walked away from there.

Why do they always enjoy tormenting her?? What wrong did she do against them? Why????!!

Her naive mind was sad. Why was her existence so petty for others?? Now too, probably no one would notice her disappearance until half an hour would have passed away. Not even her brother.

So, she started to roam here and there.
For her brother to find her.
And maybe ask her as to why she had gone away.

But she was wrong to hope. When her brother found her after an hour, all he did was scold her for her carelessness and also for wasting his friend's time searching for her.

She just stood with her head down and kept her eyes blank.

Another special day was wholly ruined.

When they went home, she immediately ran away to her garden. Her safe haven.

"What's wrong with your sister, dude??" Roman, one of Ajax's friends, asked him with an annoying tone.

"I mean, I understand she is different and special and all. But why does she always have to pull some stunt when we are in the middle of fun??!" Phoebe, his girlfriend, asked, masking her contempt with fake confused annoyance.

Oh!! How they loved annoying that black sheep!!

"Maybe she is just feeling down, guys. Chill up. And I apologize from her behalf. She is still a kid, you know?"
Ajax just dispelled the talk, and then they engrossed themselves with games.

But they did not know, that a calamity would strike their pack very soon.

The calamity even the most powerful supernatural races were afraid of.


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