~Chapter 09~

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At last it was the weekend that actually felt like one. Ever since the campaign was bustling full fledged, half the department was working on Sundays as well. Nobody including me really minded it but I didn't know that I needed a break so badly until today. Until I finally got it.

'Welcome to New York' was blasting in my headphones as I cycled on the streets of New York. A befitting song as I cruised around with a small smile on my face.

Wanting to spend my day alone, I decided to go cycling around the neighborhood, read a book and have a nice picnic in a less crowded park, which is ironic in this city even on Sundays.

After an hour of music, freedom and cycling, I made my pit stop in a park. Leaning my bike against an oak tree and taking out my brunch packet along with a small blanket from my bike's basket, I breathed in the fresh air.

Once I was done placing everything, I sat down on the blanket and tightened my jacket around me. The cold and chilly air of October made me shiver but I loved it.

I had chosen a secluded part, away from the squealing children, giggling couples and fitness enthusiasts jogging around. However I turned to my right when I heard a few males hollering happily. I tilted my head when I saw that the football court park was just adjacent to the park I was in.

So much for a secluded corner. I shook my head in disappointment.

My eyes absent-mindedly went back to the football park and saw the shirtless guys looking all passionate toward the game. They seemed to be older than high schoolers and university boys but still possessed a high energy which was great. I had to roll my eyes to not stare at them creepily.

Unlike my father, I have never understood the game and its rules nor have I been a fan. Within a few minutes, I found the match dull and got bored so I retrieved my book from the basket.

I leaned back against the tree, trying to get into a comfortable position before putting all my attention to reading the original series of Sherlock Holmes.

Not even fifteen minutes into reading, I heard a clearing of the throat in front of me. My face immediately contorted into a scowl for being disrupted.

Slamming the book shut, I looked up with a raised brow. Although I quickly changed my impudent expression when I saw the familiar gray eyes of Skye twinkling with mirth as his lips curved into a smirk.

"Hey." I laughed, embarrassed and put my book down. He was wearing football clothes and I instantly understood where he was coming from. I was glad to know that he had the decency to put on his shirt because I don't think I could have handled him shirtless very well.

Skye's hair was slicked back because of the sweat whilst he quickly wiped the perspiration on his face with the hem of his jersey. While doing so, I got a peek of his abs and I blushed profusely with my racing heart on cue. Not wanting to be caught staring, I looked down and hid my face behind the curtain of my curls.

I wiped my cheeks as if it would help the blush vanish even when one could hardly notice it.

"Are you being stood up?" Skye finally spoke up and I didn't dare to meet his gaze. His tone sounded as if he was teasing me.

"Nah, my body, soul and mind asked me to hangout with them today." I grinned and he chuckled, shaking his head.

"Is this some modest way of saying that I should leave you alone even before I ask if I can join you?" He asked me with a raised brow before crossing his arms across his chest.

I started laughing at his words as well as at him trying to look intimidating. Keyword being trying. He couldn't keep the solemn expression anymore either and joined me.

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