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Analise's POV

I stood up despite the fear holding me like a vice. I took little steps backward, not wanting to make any noise. Sweat beads formed on my forehead and my hands trembled as different scary ideas flashed in my mind. My senses were overwhelmed by the fear. I was alone in the dark with nobody around to help me. I stopped breathing as I looked right into a pair of red, glowing eyes looking at me menacingly. My steps faltered as the latter came out from the bushes.

His skin was pale with prominent veins under his eyes and blood dripped from the corner of his mouth and extended fangs- a vampire. He took slow, teasing steps towards me, playing with me like a predator did to its prey. With each of his steps forward, I took one backward. Suddenly he lunged at me. Letting out a scream, I shielded myself from him with my hands, waiting for the impact of our bodies colliding and his fangs buried in my neck. It never came

Removing my hands, I saw the vampire on the ground, burnt marks on his body. Before I could be relieved, he started moving, groaning. Not thinking, I spun around and bolted in the opposite direction, towards my apartment. Looking back, I saw him getting to his feet before his eyes met mine, a wicked grin on his face. There was no way I could outrun him with his special abilities.

I did not reach far before I saw a blur heading in my direction. I screamed as he collided with me in a matter of seconds, sending me flying against a nearby wall. I wheezed as I fell to the ground, on my knees. Placing my hands on the ground for support, I looked up at him. I felt blood dripping from my forehead.

"You are not human, are you?" Malice was clear in his voice. He lifted me by the collar and slammed my body into the wall. I tried prying myself out of his hold but it was impossible. I felt my air supply being cut off from the impact and my eyes watered.

As my hands fell to my side, I sensed something next to me- a rod. Immediately, I took the rod and slung it at him with full force. It was not enough to hurt him but he let go of me and I fell to the ground.

I scrambled backward as he reached for me. Snatching the rod from my hand, he threw it to the side, earning a whimper from me. Tears pricked my eyes, as I frantically looked around for another weapon. He tried grabbing me again but I was quicker and rolled to the side. The rod was out of reach but from the corner of my eyes, I saw a wooden stick and I got a little hope again.

Before I could act, he was in front of me, hitting me in the face and I stumbled backward. My vision blurred. My head spun as I wiped the blood from my lips. I felt him grab my hand and I yelped as he pulled me towards him. I felt a rush of adrenaline in my body and I resisted his hold, failing miserably. Swinging my hand, I managed to hit him in the face and his hold loosened.

On instinct, I pulled away and ran in the direction of the stick. Taking it in my hand, I swung it at a nearby wall with all my force, breaking it into two. I turned around just in time as the vampire approached me and buried the pointy end of the stick right in his heart. His body went limp and fell on me as his already pale skin got paler and his veins turned black.

I released a breath as realisation set in- I killed a vampire. Afraid there might be others lurking in the corner, I tried pushing him off me but he was heavy and I was worn out from all the fighting, the adrenaline long gone. I grunted, not being able to move him but then, someone lifted him from me. Fearing it was another vampire, I held the other piece of stick in my hand, ready to defend myself as the body got lifted.

"Whoa, calm down there. We are not going to hurt you." A voice said. His face came into view and unlike the vampire, he looked normal, though I did not let my guard down. Scrambling to my feet, I moved away from him, the stick held firmly in my hands. He raised his hands, surrendering. "I am Malcom. We are police officers who hunt bad guys like him. He is...." He struggled to find the words.

Sighing I said. "I know he is a vampire. Who are you?"

He looked taken aback but composed himself quickly. "We are hunters," He motioned to his two other friends taking care of the body. "We hunt any supernatural creature who poses a threat to humans. Don't worry, you are safe now." He crouched down to my height and smiled lightly at me.

His smile was comforting along with his eyes which had a warm feeling to them and I found it in myself to trust him. He extended his hand toward me. Reluctantly, I placed my free hand in his and he stood up to his full height. "You can let go of the stick now." I shook my head and he let out a small chuckle. "Okay. So what's your name?" He led me away from the scene towards a bench nearby.

Once seated, I answered his question. "Analise." I hesitated from giving any more information. He opened a water bottle and gave it to me. I eyed it suspiciously. Being nearly killed by a vampire has made me paranoid. "It's safe. Drink it, you look worn out." Giving in, I took a sip before chugging down the whole bottle.

"Analise, how do you know about vampires?" He questioned as I gave him back the bottle.

"I am a werewolf." I admitted.

"Then why are you not in your pack? And where are your parents?" I stayed quiet not knowing what to answer. "You don't have to hide anything. I swear I won't hurt you. You can trust me." He extended his pinkie finger towards me with a sheepish smile on his face, completely contrasting his rough exterior. I found myself smiling as I interlocked our fingers together. "Promise." He added.

"Well, I am Analise Royal." He stayed silent, waiting for me to continue. "I am currently staying in an apartment a few blocks down from here with a nanny. That's it." I shrugged.

"So you are the werewolf princess then." His voice was calm. I nodded. "Well, I have a proposal for you. The organization I work for has a school for the supernatural like you. There you will not only learn more about your powers but you will also get to know other people just like you. If you say yes, I will take care of everything for you."

"Why?" I found myself asking.

"Because you are a fighter. You killed a vampire without using your powers. Imagine the great things you can do when you learn about them." He said and for once I felt proud of myself. "You are a fighter. If I could help you reach your potential, I would be most honored."

"What if my parents refuse?"

"I will take care of them." He reassured me. "So is it a yes?" He acted as a show host, holding an invisible mike in front of me, earning a laugh from me. I nodded. He smiled at me and pulled me in a hug. Something about him just made me feel comfortable and protected.

Ever since, this school had become my home. The other students have become my friends. Evelyne is like a sister to me. The teachers have become a parent figure in my life, especially Malcom. If it was not for him I would most like be dead or hiding somewhere because I could not control my power. Then, I also met my wolf.

I shifted at the mere age of 14, a year after getting to the school. It was an unexpected and painful event. What made it worse was that I was alone in the forest, with no one to guide or support me. In the end, it was all worth it when I met my wolf- Cresent, a black wolf with pure black, silky fur and silver eyes. Black wolves are rare among female wolfs but a common occurrence for alphas and kings like my father. Furthermore, I possessed mysterious powers which I have yet to know the root of and even if I was a werewolf, I was not affected by silver. I had the same powers as other werewolves but somehow they were heightened. I could move faster and hear better than others, even alphas.

The teachers have tried their best in finding a possible reason but in vain. Many suspected it was something in the royal family but there have been no such previous cases. 

With the help of my teachers, not only did I learn more about my power but I was more under control. Though, Malcom always told me that I had yet to reach my full potential. He believed I could do much more than what I was being taught at school.

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