Chapter Twenty Three - Surprises and Stories

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By the time Daniel and I arrived back at the condo, he was on a high from the day's events.

"Michael's just a cool guy, you know?" He asked as he wheeled himself into the living room.

"Mhmm," I responded for the hundredth time.

"Just super chill and super down to earth. He's won three championships, Em. That's a big deal in case you didn't know."

"It's impressive," I replied sitting on the couch. "Are you ready for your date tonight?" I asked changing the subject. I didn't know how much longer I could hear about how amazing Michael was. I'm sure he was amazing, but Daniel tended to repeat the same two facts about him.

"It's the perfect way to end the day after hanging out with Michael. I can't wait to tell her about his three championships."

I laughed and stood up, "In that case, I'm going to head out, unless you need anything?" I desperately wanted to escape the condo before Lucas got home. I didn't know how to be normal around him with my constantly racing heartbeat. Even the mention of his name brought butterflies to my stomach. I needed distance to get over this.

He nodded at me waving me off, "I'm good, see you tomorrow! Don't forget we're going to Lucas's fight. Second win out of ten, woo!" He whooped, grabbing his PlayStation controller in the process and tugging out a candy bar from the pocket of his wheelchair. He looked up at me, candy bar dangling from the side of his mouth, "Don't tell Michael about the chocolate." He mumbled through a mouthful of chocolate.

I shook my head grinning at him before exiting the condo and making my way back home. I couldn't get my mind off of Lucas. His rippling abs, his mesmerizing smile, his trailing tattoos. I shook my head out of my reverie. Get a hold of yourself, Emily. He's your employer. He's being nice to you because you're doing a good job. That's it. There's nothing there.

I opened the doors to the lobby and was surprised to find it desolated. It almost felt weird not to be greeted by Ms. Smith at the door. The memory of the last time I spoke to her flitted into my mind and I felt the familiar feeling of regret wash over me.

Outside of my apartment was a basket of fruit. I grabbed it, unlocking my door in the process and depositing it on my kitchen table, walking to my bedroom to change into a t-shirt and sweatpants, brushing through my hair a few times before leaving it down.

I walked back into my kitchen and picked up the card that sat in the basket and read it.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I really messed up,
Now what can I do?

I crumpled the note aggressively between my hands and threw it into the trash with a growl before grabbing a pear and biting into it. I have to give it to him, the pear was great.

I walked to my fridge and pulled out a batch of cookies I had made a couple days ago, plating it and wrapping it up. I tossed my pear out and stepped out of my apartment and jogged up a couple flights of stairs. I knocked on the door and waited, berating myself for feeling guilty in the first place.

The door creaked open and out popped Ms. Smith's head, an expression of shock in place. "Emily?" She asked peering down at the plate of cookies I was carrying in confusion, "What are you doing here?"

Her hair was a mess and her eyes were red rimmed as though she had been crying. "I just came by to apologize. I was having a bad night and I took it out on you." I held the plate of cookies as a peace offering, "Cookies?"

She sighed opening the door the rest of the way. I had never seen her apartment and it looked exactly like I would have thought it would. She was a hoarder. It was piled to the brim with stuff. A loom, a sewing table, what looked like a circular saw. This must be what the inner corners of my brain looked like.

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