❁all I ever wanted

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"This is all I ever wanted
But life got in my way
You're all I ever wanted
I didn't see how it could change
That something was missing until today"

❁ all I ever wanted

For John, it was one those moments where he was having a hard time breathing. Metilda in her pale yellow dress sat on the brown carpet while a small huddle of terrified parents stood behind her. The kids were probably still in the bus. John knew the police must have reached out to them by now.

Warren dug the cold metal deeper into Metilda's neck. "If I were you, I'd put that gun down."

John smirked. Yes, he had the guts to do so when his wife was in mortal danger. "Sadly, you aren't me."

Metilda's light gaze watched John with a certain dullness. It was as if she didn't care if he saved her or not. Somehow that pained John. Did she not have a reason to live?

"Warren," John focused his eyes on the old man. "What exactly are your demands?"

"We'll talk about demands when you put down your weapons." Unwillingly, John placed the gun on the ground.

"Now shall we?"

Warren smirked, the old man that seemed friendly moments ago now had a sinister aura surrounding him. "You shouldn't be asking me. Mr. John, being one the highest paid detective of this area, you should have the answer by now."

"Mission release. What is that about?" John eyes darted in different directions. Warren's left arm was snaked around Metilda's shoulders and his right hand was on the gun. Any sudden move John made would take seconds for Warren to respond to. The parents standing behind could sneak up on Warren but that would be too dangerous.

Someone had to make the first move.

"Just as it sounds," Warren grinned. "Release our prisoners,"

John focused his stare on Warren. "And who exactly are your prisoners?

"Tom Henderson, Jake Mengite, Roy Mczhoky." These men were imprisoned for attempt to murder the senator of Westinhall. John felt like an idiot for not putting these piece together earlier. The school principal, Warren Thompson, was part of the Eleigt, an anti-government group. His experience at the prison center and then he after his PhD, he went missing- all had been pointing at this. In December of 2013, the attack on the Senator had taken place, the same time he had gone missing.

John stared at him blankly. No-way was the government was going to release them. Not until it came to the very last.

"That won't happen,"

A glint of anger sparked in Warren's eyes. "Then this will happen." He pressed his fingers into Metilda's shoulders. She nearly yelped out of pain but bit her bottom lips till it began bleeding. A single drop of blood dripped down her lips.

John balled his hands into his fist, veins in appearing on the surface of his skin. Desperation was all he felt right now. He wanted to whisk Metilda away from here, to a place where they used to be together. Safe and sound. Away from the eyes of the judgmental world, away from the harsh realities of their broken lives.  

After their English II class, John walked along Metilda. The college halls were glittering with Christmas decorations. They stood in the student lounge where a gigantic Christmas tree had been placed. The student government club members were decorating the tree in blues and silvers.

John belonged to a family of atheist. He was always amazed by the beauty of religion, never having the chance to explore it himself.

The 12th KissNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ