17 Angel

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Women like you drown oceans.

Rupi Kaur


"If there's one thing in the kingdom I want, it's her."

"You know marrying her like this is against the rules?"

"I can bend all rules for her."

"It's for your own sake, not hers."

He looks at his friend and smiles. The small room they're sitting in is lit by a few candles, the flickers of which are reflected by his gleaming eyes.

"If she wasn't the reason, I would've listened-- reconsidered. But there's no rethinking when it's Noura. My decision won't change."

The man in front of him chuckles before humming, as if understanding his struggle. "I owe you a lot, even besides my life. I don't think I can ever pay the debt of your favors upon me. But if you ever need me, you know you'll always find me by your side."

"I know." He looks out through the small window to his right from which faint morning light has begun to shine in. He has little more time to spare. "You've been a brother to me, no less. I, too, owe you a lot."

"Sometimes, our choices can impact not only us but those around us too," his friend advices. "There can be unlikely consequences to them which might last forever. So before you haste, think of a hundred ways your decision can go wrong, and a solution to each."

And he smirks at the suggestion. "Oh, I have."


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The gray clouds overcast the sky heavily in large pieces and float to merge and split with the sun rays highlighting their boundaries. The mood they present is naturally gloomy and every once in a while thunder roars in the distance, preceded by lightning. The rain isn't falling yet but is soon to come. She watches the changing hues of weather from the pergola, sipping tea with princess Maysoon.

"I was planning on going to the bazar today, but looks like I'll have to delay the plan," Noura says as she puts down her tea cup on the table.

"Ah, you need something?" Maysoon asks. "I can send someone to fetch it for you."

"No, I need to meet someone."

The princess raises an interested eyebrow. "At the bazar?"

"It's someone I know," Noura excuses, not comfortable with confiding into her yet. "But with all the guards Eskander has left behind, it's difficult for me."

"You don't want Eskander to know?"

"He worries too much."

"Understandably. You're his only sister."

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