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The door did not lead directly to the boss's office. 

Eliana ended up being trapped in a pitch-black corridor. It was small and there were concrete stairs leading downstairs, towards the unknown. She shivered. She took the step towards the door that she used to enter this scary place and then she stopped abruptly.

There are bodyguards outside of that door. She can't just leave the second she walked in, they will notice something isn't right and stop her from escaping. Her thoughts were running frantically as she was trying to find a way out of the predicament she was in deep shit, wasn't she? What were you thinking, idiot?!

The only path she could choose right now is to carry on with her plan, find the boss, apologize for entering, explain her reasons, and hope they will be understanding.

As Eliana started going downstairs tears welled up in her eyes don't be such a baby she was angry with her inability to face dangerous situations. It didn't help anything that she was shaking and her breath was quick and uneven. At the same time, she was trying to be as quiet as I could.

Unfortunately, the stairs led her to a long corridor. Which way should she go? Left? Right?

"Antonio, look what we have here. She looks like she's lost. Hey baby, did you come to play with us? "He said suggestively. Disgusting.

"Hey, you. Who let you come in here? "The other man asked with pure hostility. Eliana took a step back and looked at the stairs, thinking of a way to escape. There was none. "I don't think so, come here," Antonio said, flawlessly deciphering my intentions. He strode towards her, grabbed my arm tightly, and started dragging her towards the door at the end of the corridor.

Eliana had imagined her first meeting with the Vincenti brothers differently.

She was forcibly pushed into the room which resulted in her landing awkwardly on all fours. Really smooth Eliana, good job.

Catia was sitting on some strange man's lap, he was a handsome man who had light brown hair and brown eyes. He was dressed in a white suit I don't know how he could pull it off but he looked really good in his outfit.

Eliana looked at the person in front of whom she was kneeling right now. It was Rafael Vincenti, the man who a few minutes ago made his grand entrance. Now she could see up close how beautiful he actually was. His medium-length raven hair fell in delicate waves, he had olive skin tone and dark eyes. The aura around this man was dark and mysterious. He emanated danger, and Eliana wanted to get away from here the moment I saw him. Unfortunately, too many factors. it made it impossible for her.

He was sitting in a large, red armchair, legs crossed. He was dressed in a black shirt and suit of the same colour. On his left hand was a watch with a brown leather strap and a golden dial. There was a massive gold signet ring with a small red stone and some kind of engraving on his pinky finger.

Eliana tried to get up to preserve what was left of her dignity by standing up, but Antonio who stayed close to her grabbed her hair into a fist and held her down so that she had no alternative other than to just kneel on the floor.

"This bitch broke into the basement"

"Antonio, search her"Eliana grimaced as she felt that Antonio is groping her.

"She has Melissa's key," 

"Marco, go tell Melissa to pack her stuff. She no longer works here"

"Of course, sir"

Goddamnit, that girl lost her job because of her. Unfortunately, she was in a predicament where she had to focus on her own survival instead of worrying about others.

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