Chapter Twenty Four

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                      R O S A B E L L E

It's been a month since I. . . you know, ran away from Nick.

Currently, I'm staying at my Mansion that was given to me after my aunt's death. I didn't knew it belonged to me until on my 18th birthday when her lawyer came to our house and told me.

It is pretty big. Not as big as Nick's of course. 

It's peaceful. No noise. No Arabelle. No Nick. No trouble. No nothing. It was heaven until my noisy ass friend decided to give me a surprise visit. Just kidding. I Love her to death but she sure is annoying.

"So, how are you doing." She asked me as soon as we sat down to have tea.

"Great." I lied easily but she didn't look convinced. That's the benefit and disadvantage of growing up in Military academy. You can lie straight on their face and you can also detect a lie.

She squeezed my hands as she offered me a sad smile. "Everything will be alright, Bel."

I nodded. "How is he doing." I asked after hesitating alot.

"He hasn't stepped a foot in that house since you went away, Bel. He has gone crazy looking for you everywhere." She said in a sad tone. "You should give him a chance to explain himself."

"No. It's of no use Lou. It was always her. It was never me. I was just a substitute and now that she's back, my work is done." I said as tears ran down my eyes thinking of how unlucky I was. It was as if I was cursed.

She rubbed my back and I laid my head on her shoulders crying my eyes out. "Belle, I'm your bestfriend and I want the only thing that is best for you."

I sat up straight. "Just give him a chance once. Let him explain himself."

"If he really wanted to see me, he could have already found me. But he didn't. He didn't." I whispered the last part and smiled bitterly.

"Wait. Hold up." She yelled making me jump. I glared at her. "If he found you earlier and told you everything, you could gave forgiven him?"

"Not really but I could have atleast listen to his part of story." I sniffed rubbing my nose with the tissue.

"Fuck ME!" She yelled on stop of her voice and some of the maids ran inside in hurry.

"Ma'am is everything alright?" One of them asked and I nodded before dismissing them and they left glancing at Louisa weirdly.

"Belle, I may or may not have ask Senior Link to make sure Nic doesn't track you down." She said as she looked at me with guilt but I just smiled at her.

"It doesn't matter Lou." I said as I stood up from the couch. "I don't want to be somewhere where I'm not needed."

I turn towards her offering her a smile. "You did it to protect me Lou. You don't have to feel guilty."

She stood up before grabbing both my hands. "I don't want my godson to grow up without a father. I. . . . I was so stupid. I'm stupid. Oh fuck."

I rolled my eyes at her. "And how do you know it's going to be a boy?" I raised my eyebrows at her. It's been a month since I found out I was pregnant and everything had been going pretty well.

Hmm. . . well, not everything but atleast some. Excluding the fact that I cry till the sunrise, clutching Nick's shirt to my chest. Blame the hormones.

"It's call aunt instinct." She said before forcing me down on the couch. She placed her hand on my small bump rubbing it.

"Lou there is no such things." I scoffed at her.

"Did he kicked?" She asked and I looked at her as if she was an alien.

"Lou I'm still in my first trimester. This is why I told you not to bunk your biology classes." I shook my head at her and we burst out laughing.

"So, how are things going on between you Gino." I asked smirking and wiggling my eyebrows at her and she cheeks turned pink.

"Aww. . . . is someone blushing." I poked her cheeks and we giggled.

"It's great." She replied with those dreamy eyes looking at the blank wall that almost made me wanted to puke all over her. When did she became so dreamy and romantic.

But she deserved it. After all she went throught only for me. Even if she ask me to help her kidnap the President. I'd do it in a heart beat.

"I'm glad that your happy, Lou." I squeezed her hands smiling at her. "I don't know what would have happen to me if you weren't there."

She dramatically flipped her hair and I rolled my eyes at her. "I know Belle. I know. I'm just too lovable."

"And annoying." I added.

She scowled at me. "You just had to ruin the mood."

"Anyway." She rubbed her hands together before standing up and I stood up too. "Just wanted to tell you, I won't be able to visit you again for a long time. I have to go back to New York and visit my parents and maybe stay there for sometime."


"But don't worry." She cut me off. "I'll think of a good name by the time I return." I scoffed at her.

"What makes you think I'll let you name my baby."

She bumped her shoulders on mine wiggling her eyebrows at me. "Because I'm the godmother. I have every right."

"Whatever. Now get the fuck out of here." I pushed her away and she chuckled.

"Geez. Ok Ok. I'm going." She replied as I followed her out.

"When will you be back." I asked as we near her car.

"Maybe a week or two." She replied and I nodded before hugging her tightly. Squeezing the day light out of her.

"I'll miss you." I said before pulling away and she smiled at me. "I'll miss you too. Take care of yourself and my godson too."

I rolled my eyes at her. This woman. "Whatever makes you sleep. Goodbye."

"Goodbye." She replied before starting the engine and racing off.

Just as I was about to step inside another car stopped at the place where Lou parked her car earlier and Senior Link jumped out of the car before running towards me.

"Senior Link. What happened?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"We don't have time Rosy." He panted as he held on his knees trying to catch his breath and my frown deepened.

Why? What's wrong?"

"Nikolai." He panted and my heart started beating faster.

"What happen to him?" I asked as I shook his shoulders.

"He . .  he is coming here. He found you." He said before standing straight and I gave him a blank look before shrugging.

"Let him. I don't care." I replied coldly before turning my back on him.

He grabbed my hands and I turn back to see him looking at me with a serious face and before I knew anything he smashed his lips on mine.

I just stood there unable to believe what the fuck just happened but soon snapped out of the daze and pushed him away.

I looked at him disgusted by his behaviour.

"I Love y–" Nick jump out of no where and started punching him.

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