Chapter 21: Summer Break Memories

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In the morning...

"Shin, come closer. I'll fan you." Haruto said, waving a large fan. Shin makes a small noise of assent, crawling closer to Haruto's side and letting the man fan him. They were currently outside, sitting on the boarded floor of the engawa. The two are also dressed in dark blue Yukatas. After the events of yesterday, the two decided to stay at home and rest. Shin's grandmother was very accommodating and let Haruto stay without a second thought.

Haruto is humming a little tune and Shin got curious. "You're in a very good mood. What are you thinking about?"

Haruto nods. "I was just thinking about the past."

"What about it?"

"You never let me get this close before." Haruto explains, "I was just wondering what you think about me, Shin. That's all."


"I thought you were annoying at first." Shin admits and earns a pout from Haruto. " didn't judge me. I don't really care what others think about me, but I have to admit...It's nice having someone who didn't care too much about the rumors too."

Shin remains silent right after, then looks at Haruto's arm.

"..." Shin moves closer and presses his side against Haruto. Haruto stopped fanning, turning slightly red.

"To be honest, I'm surprised that I can be this close with a person." Shin admits, "I really hate getting touched and touching others, but I don't really mind if it's you. Don't cry." Shin said quickly.

Haruto rapidly blinks.

Shin continues. "I...don't know how to explain it...When you grabbed my wrist for the time, I wanted to hit you, but...surprisingly, I couldn't do it. I...couldn't hate it. Every time you touched me, I pushed your hand away because I was scared that your gentleness was...fake."


Shin shakes his head and covers his face with one hand, not really hiding much. Shin wasn't used to being this open with someone. He preferred to keep to himself and he was not the best with words.

"Why don't you like being touched?" Haruto couldn't help but be curious. Shin didn't like getting touched to the point that he'd actually attack the person if he was touched. He wondered what changed within Shin, even Yuuji couldn't get close to him anymore. Kei could get close to Shin, but there was still a certain distance between the two, and Shin always looked stiff or awkward. "If you don't want to talk about it, that's also fine."

"..." Shin lowers his gaze, staring at the little pond of Koi fish in front of them.

Shin's vision suddenly blurred slightly, his head aching.

Deep purple marks, crimson dripping and sliding-

"Shin? Are you okay?"

Shin blinks, regaining his senses and looks at Haruto's worried face.

"...Will you wait for me?"

"I will." Haruto immediately replies.

"Thank you...It's not something I want to talk about or remember yet."

"That's fine." Haruto replies with a reassuring smile. "You don't have to remember it if you don't want to."

"You deserve to know." Shin says firmly. Shin pulls away from Haruto to look at him properly, face to face. Haruto blinks in confusion, but waits patiently. He doesn't mind staring at Shin's face, he doesn't mind at all. Shin bit his lip and his cheeks paint bright red. "If...we're going to be together...and if...everything works out...You deserve to know."

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