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As September started, Ginny Weasley had to go back to Hogwarts. Molly wasnt thrilled about having Snape as the new Headmaster, and Irena agreed she wouldnt want Alek to go either. Hogwarts was not a safe place as it was before.

Not only that, but Ron was still gone, there was not a lot of information about where he was, but the Weasleys knew he was with Harry. Irena and Fred had been at the Burrow for a couple of weeks now. Fred and George had to close the shop.

It wasn't safe anymore; it wasn't safe almost anywhere. Diagon Alley didnt look safe, the war was coming, and it was fast approaching. What was on Irena's mind was to protect Alex from all the bad that was happening in the Wizarding World at the moment; she hoped that everything bad that was happening could stop. She didnt want her son to grow up with so much hatred and death.

Irena, Fred, and Alek were staying in Freds old room while George was staying in Bill's room. Alek had woken up Fred got him out of his crib that was near the bed. Fred lay back in bed with Alek on his chest. "Why dont you sleep for five more minutes," Fred told Alek, his eyes barely open. Alek shook his head and smiled at his father.

Alek, at 10 months old, started to walk just a few steps at a time. Irena and Fred were proud of him when they saw him. They were downstairs; Alek was sitting on the floor surrounded by his toys when he started to crawl to the sofa that was near. Once he was near the sofa, he stretched his little hands and got hold of it, helping himself get up.

He was holding onto the sofa; he slowly started to move, not letting go. His little legs moving, shaking a little. Once he was at the edge of the sofa, he looked that was the end he was not that confident in walking without help. "Dada," he yelled, trying to get Freds attention.

Fred was upstairs with George talking about other ways they could still sell their products now that the store was closed.

Realizing that Fred wasnt coming, Alek screamed the other name he knew, "mama." Irena was in the kitchen helping Molly cook, hearing Alek calling her; she cleaned her hands and walked to where Alek was calling her; she was surprised to see him standing up.

He had let go of the sofa, he might have taken a set on his own, but he was paralyzed; he was afraid of continuing walking. He had his arms extended, his legs were firm, and he didnt move. "Mama," he said again with fear in his voice. Irena walked closer to him, kneeling down. "You're fine, come here," Irena said with a smile on her face.

Alek looked down at the floor for him; it felt like if he moved and he fell, he would be falling off a cliff. He looked back up to his mother; she had a smile on her face and had extended her arms. They were so close. Slowly he lifted one leg. It felt like he was going to fall to the side, but at the last minute, he was able to put it down. "That's it, come on," Irena said. He moved his other leg shaking as he lifted up. But he was doing it; he was walking; it wasn't a perfect walk, but he was doing it.

He got excited and started to move his arms in excitement, losing his balance. He was falling to the side; his little smile fell and was replaced with a worried face. But he didn't touch the floor, he was not hurt; his mother was able to catch him before he could even touch the ground.

"You were walking," she said excitedly, hugging Alek and kissing him on his cheek. Fred was walking down the stairs, "Fred, you won't believe it, Alek walked." He had a smile on his face as he walked next to them "did you walk and without me." He was sad he was not there to see his son take his first steps.

Irena put Alek in front of them wanting him to walk again. "Walk to dada," Irena said. Both Irena and Fred were sitting on the floor not too far from Alek. He looked between his parents and down at the ground.

He could walk; he did it once he could do it again. He started to move, taking smaller steps this time. Fred couldn't figure out if Alek was walking toward Irena or him; his walk was a bit strange. Alek was walking Fred assumed toward him raising his hands in the air with a smile on his face, but at the last minute, Alek walked straight to Irena. Getting closer to her, he hugged her "mama," Alek said happily.

"I think I have been replaced," Fred said sadly. He started to fake cry covering his face with his hands. "Oh no go give dada a hug," Irena told Alek. "Go make him feel better," she told Alek, giving him a quick kiss on his cheek.

Alek started to walk to Fred, not scared anymore of taking big steps. He hugged Fred, but he was still fake crying "dada," Alek said, moving his head to the side, wanting to see his face.

Fred moved his hands from his face and hugged Alek falling back. Alek smiled as his father hugged him. Fred started to kiss Alek on his cheeks, making him laugh. "Is dada your favorite," Fred asked, looking at Alek. "Mama," he said. "I have been betrayed by my own son," Fred said, staring to tickle Alek. He let out a big laugh "say dada," Fred said. Between laughs, Alek was able to say, "mama." "I'm not stopping until you say dada," he told Alek, continuing to tickle him. Alek moved around, trying to get away.

Irena moved to where they were and started to tickle Fred. "Let him go." Fred began to laugh, "Irena stop," he said, laughing.

The three of them were on the floor laughing. Just for a moment, they forgot what was happening outside and enjoyed each other.

 February of 1996Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ