The Cellar (12)

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Chapter 12

Clover's POV

I locked the door with trembling hands; I need to get this filthy blood off me now! I ran to the shower and stripped my clothes before getting under the boiling hot water. I scrubbed my skin until it was too sore to touch. Dirty, dirty boy. My heart slowed down as watched my skin turn red, I was clean again. The cool air hit me as soon as I stepped out of the shower, stinging my skin and making me wince in pain. Dirty boy is clean now. 

I knew the girls would be finished by now, they were very efficient and performed their chores perfectly, like a proper woman should, not like those whores out there, my flowers were perfect. I put some disposable gloves on and collected my dirty clothes in a bin bag and threw it out straight away, washing my hands thoroughly once I finished. My skin used to be so dry and crack from washing so much, causing painful cuts all over my hands mostly but by the age of ten my skin had adjusted to it. 

I went back downstairs, they were all sitting on the sofa together reading books to enhance their intelligence, they didn't need to be watching television all the time or playing on the computer, that isn't how proper women should behave. Lily was still quiet but that's just because she's adjusting to our routine. They all looked very attractive in the new outfits I brought them. 

Rose smiled at me, she was a very beautiful woman, I saved her almost three years ago. Without a word I picked her body up and carried it upstairs, dead weight is quite heavy but at least there's one less of them in the world, there will be more to replace her, if the police would do something about it like me then the world would be a better place. 

I put her body in the boot of my car; it was quite dark now so I drove the thirty miles to the canal. I weighted her body down with bricks and threw it in the water, within seconds she sunk to the bottom, the water washing away any evidence of my work. 

As soon as I got home I showered again, not scrubbing as hard this time as I used gloves to handle the body bag so I wasn't that dirty. After my shower I got straight into bed, I was exhausted; doing all this by myself was completely overwhelming sometimes. 

I woke up feeling refreshed but a little sweaty as it was hot last night so I quickly stripped my bed, washed the sheets and showered. I needed to go to the supermarket soon, I was running low on shower gel and sanitizer, the girls would probably need some things too so I'll get Rose to make a list. 

"Good morning flowers," I said as I walked downstairs. They all smiled at me, Lily was shy as usual but she seems to be getting more comfortable with me, I need to make more of an effort with her but it's hard with the search for Heather and my two jobs. 

"Good morning Clover," they all said in unison, making me feel proud of them and myself for saving such wonderful women. 

"How did you sleep Lily?" I asked, sitting down in my chair and gesturing for her to sit down with me. She looked nervous and slowly moved to the chair opposite me, sitting down and biting her lip. She'll be fine in a week or two, once she's more settled. 

"Fine thank you," she replied quietly, looking at Rose and Poppy behind me. She's probably as hungry as me, I should really tell them to make breakfast thirty minutes earlier but women need a certain amount of time in the morning to do their hair and make-up. 

We ate breakfast and I made an effort to talk to Lily, she answered all my questions and I was happy that she was starting to like me. "Right, I'm now going to work. Have a great day and I'll see you all for dinner." 

"Goodbye Clover," they all said and started to clean away the dishes as they have been taught, if you leave things lying around it attracts germs and disease. 

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