Chapter VII - the devil you

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"Hey, we have to pack for the trip." I told Lucifer once we got back to my place.

He turned to me questioningly, "I have to do that too?" I nodded as I looked around, wondering why Luna wasn't coming to the door to greet me.

"She's sleeping in the corner."

I turned in that direction to see Luna curled up against the window. How nice, I feel like taking a nap too. Maybe I'll do it after packing.

"Yea, you need clothes for the next week and for the wedding." I started to say as I led him to my room. "Just pack all the clothes you bought yesterday."

I pulled out two luggage, one for me and another for him. There were a lot of things to pack, we should start now or we wouldn't be done by tonight.

Lucifer let out a sigh before he walked over to the closet and brought out the whole stack of his clothes to lay on the bed. Then, he took a step back.

"You know you have to fold them to fit in here, right?" I teased. He ignored me and reached for the luggage, opening it up by the bed.

With a wave of his fingers, the clothes started to fold themselves before landing neatly in the luggage below.

"Woah, how are you doing that?"

I turned to Lucifer who was just standing there watching. "The demons are doing it." He explained as he reached over to put a hand over my eyes. When he took it away, I could see a few shadow creatures folding the clothes together.

"They're so small." I commented as one of them noticed me staring and stopped. The shirt flopped to the side as it left it's position and floated towards me.

It slowly bobbed over while seemingly growing bigger at the same time. Somehow, it looked kind of cute. I reached my hand out to pet it when Lucifer abruptly pulled me back.

I crashed into his shoulder as he loosened his grip, "it might take you back to hell."

That's all I needed to hear. I immediately retracted my arm, I'm too young to die. The creature seemed to have lost interest too as it turned and bobbed back to the clothes on the bed.

"Can you get more?" I asked, they're very handy. Lucifer waved his fingers again and a few more appeared.

I went to the closet and started pulling out clothes then placing them on the bed, just like what Lucifer did.

The shadow creatures got to work and started to fold my clothes too. "They're amazing." I grinned and stepped back, who knew packing could be so easy.

"I'm amazing." Lucifer corrected me as he folded his arms with a smug grin on his face. I rolled my eyes as I walked out, even if I thought he was, I wasn't going to admit it.

I go into the living room to see Luna with her legs stretched out in front of her. She looked like she took a good nap.

She strode over as I grabbed some of her toys from the basket and settled on the floor. I took the laser and pointed it in front of me. Luna scrambled to it, pawing at the light.

Lucifer had come out after me and took a seat opposite me on the carpet. I glanced up at him as an idea popped into my head. I hope he didn't hear me think that.

I quickly turn my attention back to Luna, quickly shifting the laser around to keep her entertained. Bit by bit, I started moving the light closer to Lucifer. This should do it.

In a swift move, I pointed the laser onto his crossed legs. Luna pounced, just like I expected. I pursed my lips, stopping myself from grinning. This wasn't the end yet.

Summoned the Devil for a DateΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα