Chapter Twenty Four - His Friends

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Jackson parked the car back in front of my apartment before clearing his throat. "I had a great time tonight."

I gave myself a mental high five at my exceptional social skills. Was I unnaturally talented at flirting? It sure seemed like it. "I did too!" I exclaimed enthusiastically.

He opened his door and made his way towards mine, opening my door for me. "Chivalry doesn't have to be extinct."

I smiled at him as I stepped out. "Thank you for dinner. I really had a blast. Minus waterg- uh the spilling of all possible water in existence."

Jackson laughed. I made Jackson laugh. Maybe I also had exceptional humour. Man, was I nailing this date (active repression of Watergate was going well apparently).

Take the plunge, Mabel. Ask him out. "I'd love to, um, do this again," I murmured shyly tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I would too," He replied. He would too. "I'll call you to get together again?" He asked still holding onto my open door.

I nodded enthusiastically before waving and entering my building. Once I was a safe distance away, I began to squeal, shutting my eyes tightly and shaking my arms out as if that would help get rid of my butterflies. Nothing would ever erase these butterflies.

"Are you okay?"

I immediately stopped my squealing and peaked an eye open at a gorgeous dark haired, dark skinned girl looking at me in concern. She wore sweats and a tank top, accentuating her curves. Her hair was gathered on top of her head in a lazy bun; curls carelessly framing her round face.

I gave her a sheepish smile. "Sorry. I swear I'm not insane. I just had the best date that I've been waiting for, like, two years for. I mean, other than a large spillage incident."

"Boob?" The girl asked curiously.

"What? No! Water spillage!" I protested, my cheeks flaming in response.

"I've been through worse then. I'm sure your date was fine with it."

I smiled at her, "He was actually! Well it was nice to meet you, I should be getting home."

"I'll go up with you. I was just hiding out, but I can't do that forever apparently," She responded with an eye roll as she made her way into the elevator. She pushed for the third floor and I thought it was odd that I'd never seen her around my apartment before.

"What are you hiding from?"

"A girl that's figured out we're the same size and now wants to swap our clothing," She stated nonchalantly, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. I spotted a sparkling diamond wedding ring staring back at me.

I laughed, "Does she have cute clothes at least?"

She chuckled, glancing at me, "She does, actually. But she's too drunk to notice that we're about two sizes off."

"That's not ideal, I suppose."

"Not really," She sighed. "What's your name anyway?"

The elevator doors opened and we exited, making our way down the hall.

"Mabel. You?"

"Miranda," She replied. "So tell me about your guy."

"I don't know if he's my guy yet." I sighed. "I mean a girl can dream and trust me I have. He's a football player and just such a dream guy, you know?"

Miranda nodded her head, "Oh I get it."

"Of course you do. You're married right?"

"I am," She beamed. "We met in high school and basically haven't dated anyone else. He's my the one."

I sighed dreamily. I could only imagine having that. I walked to my door only to notice Miranda paused at Marcus' door. I looked at her. She looked at me.

"You're Marcus' neighbour? The one who does his laundry?" Miranda's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

I was also surprised that Marcus had mentioned me to anyone, but I suppose my lack of laundry experience did make a good story.

I nodded my head, "I mean, doing laundry is a bit of an exaggeration. I mostly shrink clothes. Or dye them other colours."

She laughed as the door swung open and Miranda was pulled into a tight hug. "There you are! I thought you ran away." He pushed his black hair away from his forehead and grinned down at Miranda.

"I almost did. And then I ran into Mabel. Marcus' neighbour. Mabel, meet Matt, my husband," she gestured at me and I waved awkwardly. "Come inside!" Miranda ushered.

She grabbed onto my wrist and tugged me into Marcus' apartment before I could protest.

"Laundry girl?" Matt asked, wrapping his arm around Miranda's waist. "I remember you."

I snorted, "I've heard worse names I guess. Really it's a discredit to all laundry employees on an international level."

Miranda smiled at me and gave Matt a look. Just then, a girl in her bra and underwear emerged from a room that I could only assume was Marcus'. She saw Miranda and rushed up to her.

"You came back!" She gushed, holding onto Miranda's shoulders as Miranda shrank back into Matt's frame. "We can finally exchange clothes! I'm ready, see!"

Miranda coughed uncomfortably, shooting me a look, "Yes, I can see that, honey. Where are your clothes?"

"Can you please put some goddamn clothes on?" Marcus emerged from the bedroom holding up a dress. His brow was furrowed as he rotated the dress to find the right way up. His head shot up, "-Mabel."

I looked from him to the girl before waving, "Hey."

"What are you doing here?" He asked, moving the dress behind his back.

"I was just getting home and I met Miranda downstairs," I explained.

"Of course you did," He muttered to himself, giving Miranda a pointed look.

She returned the glance with an exaggerated shoulder shrug.

I cleared my throat, "Well, I should get going." I walked to the door before turning to Miranda, "It was really nice to meet you."

She grinned at me, "You too, Mabel!"

I walked out of Marcus' apartment and took a deep breath before fishing out my keys and unlocking my door.

"Mabel!" Marcus called as he closed his door behind him and walked up to me. "That wasn't what it looked like."

I furrowed my brows at him in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

He scratched the back of his head and I noticed a slight flush on his tanned skin. "I didn't- that girl was there with my friend, Joey. He's currently passed out on my bed. I was just trying to get his date to leave."

I chuckled a little, but it sounded odd to my ears. "It's fine. You're free to do whatever you want obviously. Lord knows I've heard enough of it already," I teased to ease the tension.

"I- I just didn't want you to think anything else," He admitted.

"Why?" I wondered. Marcus had never cared what I heard or saw before this. In fact, he had flaunted it to me. Why the sudden change in what I thought? Did he think I was too innocent or too naive? "I might be a romantic but I'm not dumb enough to think this stuff doesn't happen, Marcus."

He shook his head, his brown eyes looking... sad. "That's not what I meant. Of course I don't think that of you. It's just - never mind. I just wanted you to know."

"Okay," I smiled as I twisted my doorknob open. "I'll see you later?"

He nodded slowly, "Yeah. See you later."

I opened my door and entered my apartment with a huff. I didn't like the weird feeling that sat in the pit of my stomach.

One thing was for sure, I had never been more glad that Jackson had given me a chance than right now. Because Jackson was straight forward and easy and right for me. Things that were right for you always came easy, right?

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