Chapter 23 ◌ Dove sto a galla

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Gemelli University Hospital, 2021

A couple of days of "take some more rest, Damiano" and "let us take care of you" have passed, more days already than the doctors prognosticated. They say I need this bedrest although I really hate it. I'd rather be at home with my friends. They try their best to visit me every day between the visiting hours but still I'm alone in this bleak room for many hours. At night when I can't sleep it seems like ages when it's just me and my endless thoughts. I wonder if I ever sleep again. 

 Luckily the nurses noticed that I haven't been sleeping and they sent someone to talk about it, a psychiatrist I think, and she prescribed sleeping pills. They work, but the dreamless sleep makes me feel like I'm floating and I'll never land. She also said I might have depression so when I'm dismissed from the hospital I'll have to get therapy. They all say they want to help me but I don't know if they can and if I want to be helped. 

 My friends told me that it's all over the media that I was in an accident and that I'm stuck in a hospital bed for some time, and that doesn't really bother me but I'd like to have some privacy in here. At the door of my room is nonstop surveillance thanks to Fabrizio and they arranged the best room in here. 

Yesterday Ethan said they're getting overloaded with fan mail and gifts for me but they're afraid I'll get overwhelmed by all of it so our team decided I won't get to see it. Maybe it's because it isn't always positive and not everyone is on my side, or they just don't know what's going on and start to assume the wrong things. It has always scared me how fast rumors spread, that's why I decided for myself to have some offline time. It's boring without my phone but I have the people I need around me every day, so it doesn't really matter. 

 After breakfast, another fruit yogurt and a slice of toast cut into tiny pieces, my friends arrive and I'm happy to see them. Smiling still hurts, actually, it's the doctor's advice to not smile but that's against my nature. Vic embraces me and sits down next to me on the bed and Thomas sits on the foot end. Ethan hesitates to go sit on my other side but then remembers I have a broken arm, so he shoves my chair next to the bed. I start talking, carefully because it hurts, but they all remain silent. 

 "What's going on, ragazzi?" I ask and I look at them. 

 "Uhm -," Thomas mumbles, but Vic looks him dead in the eye and shakes her head. 

 "You know you can't keep secrets from an impaired person," I say knowing they're not telling me something. Even if it's to protect me, I'd still like to know what it is. 

 "Per favore dimmi cosa c'è che non va," I beg. "Ti prego, it's bad enough that I'm in here."

Now they look at each other and Ethan clears his throat. "Well, you know we're getting lots of letters and presents for you, right? I told you that. We were browsing through all of it and we found something you might want to have," he says hesitantly. 

𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐚 𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐚 - MåneskinWhere stories live. Discover now