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Wren Ridley

The look on Landon's face when we pulled into the parking lot was priceless. His face flushed and his eyes widened slightly while he clenched his jaw when he realized exactly where we were. The colorful signs and the people walking into the club gave it away.

I was tempted to take a picture of him and hold it against him forever.

"You still sure it was a good idea to come with us?" I asked him.

He just glared at me.

"You guys go ahead," I said, turning toward the back seat.

"You're not coming?" Stella asked.

"We'll meet you inside," I told her. Maybe. If Landon would get out of the car.

Stella, Jess, and James got out of the car and made their way inside. Landon and I stayed put. It wasn't until the others disappeared from sight that I started speaking.

"I just want to make it clear you know where we are," I started, turning to face him. "Since you don't have the best track record when interacting with other queer people."

"I did this to myself," he muttered, running a hand through his now dry hair.

"Yeah, you did," I agreed. "But if you can't handle it, you shouldn't go in. This is a safe place for them, and if you're going to blow up if a guy even looks at you, then you just shouldn't go in at all."

I would admit only to myself that I had a soft spot for this place and the people who went here. I spent some time here while still coming to terms with my own sexuality.

Landon stared at me for a moment and then looked back at the building. His eyes landed on a couple walking inside, holding hands.

"But if you actually want to try to not hate yourself for one night, then you should come inside," I continued. "Just so you know, they do card here, but on the bright side if you're hot enough people will just buy you drinks."

Landon rolled his eyes and looked back at me.

"Let's just go in," he muttered, opening the door and stepping out of the car. I followed after him, locking the car after we closed the doors.

Landon was tense and silent as we walked through the parking lot, but I chose to keep my observations about him to myself. I didn't need him punching me before we even walked through the doors.

We got in and found a high top table near the bar. Stella and Jess were out on the dance floor while James was already up against the wall making over with some guy.

"He works fast," Landon said, glancing over at James.

"He's over confident, some people like that," I told him, sitting across from him.

I watched as Landon looked around the room. This was undoubtedly the most queer people he had ever seen in one place, which I guess would be overwhelming for someone who had enough internalized homophobia for everyone in the room. But he didn't say anything, didn't have a look of disgust on his face, just sat and watched.

I looked over at the bar and saw the bartender, Mara, who had coincidentally been the bartender the first night I came here. They had apparently been working here since the place opened up almost ten years ago, though they looked much younger than they were if that was the case.

"Hi Mara," I called out. "Can we get a couple of waters?"

"You got it," they replied.

Mara brought the waters over and Landon nodded at them in thanks before they walked away.

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