Forty Six - "Let's break our rules."

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Chapter Forty Six

Pia's POV

"This is Hector, the butler. His wife, Jean, she's the personal cook of Mr. Stavrakos... Tess, the kitchen maid... Sammy, the pantry boy... Charrie, Debbie, Marie, they're the indoor cleaners..." I paraded Aunt Jodie as I introduced her to everyone in the mansion.

"Glad to finally meet you! How's your arm? Are they okay now?" Tess asked Aunt Jodie, who would not stop beaming due to excitement on her first day at work.

"Yeah. But I still have to take it easy. I can't lift more than two kilos within two months," Aunt Jodie answered.

Jean waved her hand, "no worries. you don't do too much lifting her. But if you need help, call any of us. We're ready to assist you."

"Not me," Debbie snorted, speaking angrily, "from now on, I'll only do what I'm assigned to do. No extra work for me. I still loathe the fact that I'm the most qualified here to replace Calliope, and that ugly bitch hired a new overseer!"

Everyone eyed Debbie with distaste. Some eyebrows were raised, some laughed finding her ridiculous, and some shrugged their shoulders, got used to her hating anyone.

"Calliope is beautiful inside, something you don't have," Sammy defended, "that's the reason you're not promoted Debbie, your personality stinks."

"Ah... look who's talking!" Debbie glared at Sammy, and the chaos began.

Like every story, there would be an antagonist. In the mansion, it was Debbie. She contradicted anyone's opinion and caused conflicts to everyone. She was being unreasonable sometimes, but there were times that she also made sense. Though she made the house chaotic, we admitted that she made the house more lively by all her dramas.

Next, I showed aunt Jodie how to instruct FREDA and to use the digital passcode at Kristov's bedroom.

"The passcode is 7-9-1-3. If you'll forget it, just remember the master's name for 7 and 9. One - because he's the only one we serve here, and three... hmm... I'm afraid you have to remember the last number, aunt Jodie. I can't think of a mnemonic."

"I suck at remembering numbers, you know that. I can't even remember my mobile phone number until now, considering that I have it for five years already."

"I know," I smiled at her, "I'll think of something later."

"How about Kristov Stavrakos, only One is Pia?"

I blushed hearing the mnemonic she made, and giggled, "well, that suits perfectly."

"Just like you two," she teased.

"Yeah," I agreed, "I still can't believe it. I was not looking for love, and yet, love found me."

"You and Kristov are destined to be together. Everything seemed to fall into place for both of you."

"But it started bad, because you had a fall at the supermarket that injured your arm."

"It's okay, I'm fully recovered now. I have my dream job, and you... you found the love of your life," her eyes gleamed, smiling back at me, "I'm so glad that you moved on from Jacob. He's a moron, who led you on for more than a year, pretending to have amnesia. Basically, he abused you, psychologically and emotionally. He's such a terrible guy!"

"I know. I'm glad Kristov helped me open my eyes."

"He did," she agreed, "he's showing you what love really is."

Kristov was very happy to meet aunt Jodie. Her coming to work for him was a blessing in disguise. He was very grateful to her, because she made it possible for me and him to be together.

The moment Jack and aunt Jodie met, I could sense the connection. They seemed to be drawn to each other like two magnets. They were seen together talking and eating their meals together. We could see the love in the air!

Sunday came, our family together with Kristov would have lunch at Seafood Island Restaurant again. Kristov's father, Pablo Stavrakos, would be joining us for the first time.

Mr. Stavrakos and I already had a heart to heart talk. He apologized for judging me so wrong, for accusing me of having an ulterior motive in working at the Stavrakos mansion, and involving my father to create more conflict.

I accepted his apology right away. I believed that his intention was sincere and honest. I also thanked him for not suing dad for embezzlement. The company settled the matter internally. Dad was forgiven, yet given a warning and a two-weeks suspension from work.

At the restaurant, all of us were still waiting for Pablo to catch fish for our lunch. It had been two hours and Pablo was sweating hard, flushing and agitated. He was desperate. The more he tried harder, the more the fishes ran away from him.

In the end, he caught two small fishes that we all shared. He was very embarrassed, and could not stop apologizing all throughout our meal.

Feeling so bad, Pablo joined us in the afternoon. Due to mom's insistence, we had karaoke. She loved to sing, and to my surprise, Pablo enjoyed it too - something they had in common.

Kristov and I were so happy that finally, our parents got along so well. The conflicts were resolved and we could focus on ourselves, strengthening our love for each other.

My contract as a housekeeper ended, and still, I did not receive any calls from New York University.

It had been my dream to teach history in my alma mater but it seemed, not every dream would come true. It would lead you to another path. Mine was way better.

I accepted Kristov's offer to work in his research team. His AR-VR project expanded and brought recognition to the whole world. He coordinated with the government, the United Nations, World Health Organization, and to different organizations and sectors that would primarily benefit the said innovation.

I was also helping him write his first book, about the history and future of AR-VR. To give awareness to people, and how this innovation would change the whole planet.

All my lies fired back at me, but I was lucky that it was in a good way.

So... all I can say is, be careful what you wish for, because you may just get it.

My relationship with Kristov became sweeter and stronger everyday. In the office, we made sure to keep our relationship very professional. We both made the rule. No PDA in the office. So we avoided touching each other, standing or sitting so close and being alone in the room. Yeah, everyone knew about us, but we just tried to be discreet in our relationship.

One day, he entered the research room. I was alone, working and I was shocked to see him. It had been three days since we saw each other, he had been in Texas for the launch of another AR-VR project.

"Oh my God, you're back!" I stared at him, looking so happy to see him again.

"Hello beautiful," he gave me his cutest smile, making my insides swirl, "are you just going to stare at me? I miss you so badly, I'm dying to kiss you."

"But Kristov," I looked at the CCTV, and reminded him of the rule we agreed on.

"Well, let's break our rule this time," he chuckled, then took off his jacket and hung it on the CCTV.

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