Chapter 11

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"What do you mean?" Dad asked.

"The body wasn't so..."

"Old and shriveled," Ashley finished.


"Yeah, it looked younger. Like our age. Not that old and shriveled. And the hair wasn't white."

Dad turned to look at Alpha Brutus. "Has anyone touched the body?"

He shook his head. "No. This is the first time we're looking at it since we set up the perimeter. We've been patrolling. "

Dad knelt down next to the body and pulled out a pair of medical gloves. He pushed the head to the side, revealing a wound similar to Harry's. He motioned for one of the men he was with over to him. They whispered to one another for a moment before the man took a few pictures.

"Alpha, if you're okay with it, we're going to take the body back to Moon Mist for further study."

"That's fine. We are definitely not equipped to deal with this kind of thing."

Dad nodded and the others from his team went to the van they arrived in. He grabbed my shoulders and stared deep into my eyes.

"Ellie, I don't want you and Ashley staying here for long. We have no idea how long this body has been here or if whatever killed him is still around. The next territory over is Deer Creek. It's about fifty miles so I hope that it is far enough that you'll get away from it."


"You can spend some time there before moving on to Silver Peak."

"Sure thing."

"Ashley, be careful driving. If you get tired, switch out with Ellie. You two, make sure you pay attention to things around you, okay?"

"Can you just come with us?" I asked.

"I wish I could, honey, but I can't."


"I'm going with this body back to Moon Mist and I have to check in with the necropsy on that deer and the tow truck guy."

"Harry," Ashley said.

"Huh?" Dad looked at my friend.

"The tow truck guy is named Harry."

"Oh. Okay. WEll I have to check on Harry."

"Harry's alive?" Alpha Brutus asked.

"Yes. He's on life support right now. He lost a lot of blood and had a bad wound on his neck."

"His family is on their way there."

"Good. That's a good thing," dad said.

"So that's a no go on you joining us, pops?"

"Sorry, Ashley. You two are going to have to continue on your own."

We both nodded.

Dad kissed my forehead and then kissed Ashley's forehead. "I love you both."

We watched as he walked away, followed by his team carrying the body in a black bag.

"Your dad is freaking me out."

"Me too, Ash."

"Should we be worried about this?"

"I guess."

"What do we look for?"

"Girl, I have no idea."

"And Artemis doesn't know?"

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