Chapter 6

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He moves closer. "I think I'm gonna shoot my shot now"

I spin around to face him, suddenly mad. "Fine. Go shoot your fucking shot."

He steps a step closer grinning his annoying stupid smirk. "I will."

"Good. I'll get out of your way then" I say stepping out of his way and start towards the door.

I don't get very far, because I am shoved right back against the wall.

What the fuck?

"No, I think you can stay in my way."

I furrow my brows, my back pressed firmly against the wall.


Oliver steps forwards again, getting in my space. "I'm trying to shoot my shot..."

"Yeah well a good start would be shooting ur shot with the person you actually like", I sneer.

He grits his teeth. "You can't be civil for one second, can you Beau?"

I grin, proud that I made the man of stone composure and calmness mad. It is truly an accomplishment.

"I don't know Fowler? Have you drank enough to work up the confidence to shoot your shot, or you still too nervous?" I taunt. I know I am being a dick but I can't help it, Oliver gets on my nerves.

His jaw rolls. "Yes, I have", he grunts. "But you're making it very difficult."

I arch an eyebrow, "If I recall correctly, you're the one who stopped me. You can go perform your declaration of affection to whoever you like any time," I wave my arm in front of me, "go ahead, I'd love some entertainment."

He chuckles, but it's humourless. "Alright then, how should I go about it? What would be the most entertaining way to go about it for you?" He questions leaning closer his voice is several octaves lower.

I try to ignore how good he smells and grin, happy he is playing along. I am so going to have some fun with this.

"Well... You gotta go big or go home ya know. So make it public, make it extravagant. But firstly ya got to make him jealous, maybe go kiss a chic and make sure they are looking. If they look jealous, then Bingo- go ahead with the plan. Next get onto the table, the centre of everyone's attention. Do a shotgun, for extra confidence of course." I say smirking, flicking him a wink.

"Then do a little party trick, something fun, something that shows them you can be smooth. And last but not least, finish off with being face to face with the guy. If he licks his lips when you talk to him then that is a good sign. Give him a big smooch, then you got the guy golden boy" I say, a big grin on my face.

There is no way Oliver would ever do that, It crosses too many of his lines. Kissing randos, drinking, and party trick.

Oliver is not the type of guy to kiss random people he barely knows, he is fussy, and he doesn't go around swapping silva with people—it is just not his jam. Oliver isn't a big drinker, that is why me being a dick I said do a shotgun. While he might be drinking a little that is a lot more than he normally would do, he has probably never done a shotgun before. And the party trick, the kid rarely even dances at parties, there is no way he would have a party trick.

Hence there is NO WAY Oliver Fowler is going to do that.

He just wouldn't.

He nods, his expression stoic and not giving anything away. Then the fucker leaves. He spins on his heels and leaves me in the kitchen shocked and still leaning against the wall.

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