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I'm fast asleep when a thundering knock sounds at the door. I stretch, my limbs sliding against the smooth sheets. My naked skin prickles with warmth as a hand slides slowly up my back. It's a big hand. I grin at the reminder.

Barre is sitting up above me, eyes alert as he stares at the door where the sound just emanates from. He's naked too. Of course he is. We made love twice last night. I grin into my pillow, hugging it to my chest as I roll onto my back.

"Who is it?" I wonder aloud. Barre grunts, running his hand continuously up and down my arm, plunging his fingers into my hair and massaging my neck.

"I don't know, but I don't care to find out." He responds, his gruff face covered in the early morning light. I lift my hand to touch his lips that are still pink and swollen from my kisses.

I grin. Maybe that can be my form of a mark. My teeth are far too dull to pierce his skin.

Another knock echoes through the room, and my master groans gruffly as he stands swiftly from bed. I turn just in time to see his tanned, toned backside as he stomps to the door completely naked.

A blush floods my cheeks, and I cover my cheeks with my hands. His butt is absolutely perfect.

"Good gravy." I mutter under my breath, plopping back into bed, covered in red waves of hair that fan out all around me, a stark flash of color against the white sheets.

I don't pay much attention to the conversation at the door, I simply burrow into the covers like a hibernating animal. I'm content and sleepy, ready to doze back off any second. My body is sore but thrumming with glee. I just want whoever it is to go away and not come back. I want Barre all to myself. He makes me forget that there's even a world outside of here.

The door closes, and my mate returns quickly, gently touching my shoulder.

"My love, you need to get up and get dressed." I shoot him a look to show him my displeasure. He chuckles.

"I know, but it is important." He pets my hair, pushing it from my sleepy face. "I wouldn't pull you from the nest unless it was important."

I nod, wondering what on earth could be going on. I start to pull my clothes on, but Barre stops me for a quick but heated kiss, letting go of me to get dressed himself. I stand still for a moment. I'm still completely in awe of this between us.

It's a dream come true.

When we're finally dressed, and sure we can keep our hands off of each other, Barre opens the door and The Emperor struts in in all his gilded glory. I freeze, my limbs going rock hard as he makes himself at home by sitting on the couch. He looks far too shiny and important to be laid back so casually.

He motions for me to sit across from him, his expression grim.

So, he's here to discuss Locanas. I was afraid this would happen.

"Please sit, Elodie."

"I haven't decided what to do with him yet." I blurt out, clutching my arms to my body to try to appear as small as possible as anxiety finds a home in my chest.

Barre is quick to come up beside me and put his hands on my shoulders, turning me towards him. I don't look him in the eyes, too afraid of what I'll see in his mismatched eyes. I know he wants Locanas dead. I also know that he's frustrated with me for not making a decision yet. I'm stalling, and he knows it.

His warm hand goes under my chin, tipping it up until I'm forced to look way up into his handsome face.

He pretty much had a full beard when we woke up yesterday, but he shaved it off. I'm not used to seeing his bare jaw yet. It's so sharp it could cut diamonds. I don't expect the compassion I see, but I should have, he's too sweet.

HeathenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora