Chapter 11

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Draven woke up from the best sleep of his entire life. He was on his back, with Lynetta splayed out over his chest. She was so beautiful.

He was so glad that they were able to talk, and clear things up. He was proud of himself for staying calm and level headed. Being angry around Lynetta just wasn't possible. She made him feel safe and important. She listened even when he whispered.

It was dark outside. They had slept awhile. Draven ran his hand along her back, and she stirred, blinking sleepily.

"What time is it?" she mumbled, pressing her face against his chest and closing her eyes.

"I don't know. Go back to sleep," he whispered, and she smiled a little bit.

"I feel like I've slept for days."

"Me too."

His stomach rumbled, and Lynetta giggled softly. It was his favorite sound in the whole world.

"We should find you something to eat," she teased, already trying to move away. He held her down, and she released another laugh.

He rumbled, "Let's just stay right here for a little while longer."

She wiggled, scooting closer to his face.

"I could really go for one of your cinnamon rolls," he whispered, and she pressed her lips to his.

Lynetta hummed, "The first batch out of the oven when I go to work in a few hours is all yours."

"Promise?" he asked against her lips. She seemed happier, and he felt it. It just felt like this shitty incident was enough for both of them to lay everything out on the table and be open with each other. He knew in his heart that she wouldn't break his trust again.

He welcomed the loving thoughts that filled his head about his Lynetta. There were no more lingering doubts. He finally could be happy.

"I promise with all of my heart," she said sincerely, sealing it with a kiss.

They had just a few hours before she had to go to work. They moved to the kitchen to find something to eat.

"I know it's three in the morning, but I could really go for pasta," she said. She let out a startled laugh as Draven lifted her onto the counter by her hips.

"Your wish is my command, My Love," he smiled. "Boiling noodles is my specialty, my only specialty."

He turned to face her as the pasta cooked. She opened her legs, dragging him in close as she wrapped them around his waist. He smirked, quite enjoying the position.

"After work, what do you think of coming to my place?" she asked.

He nodded, kissing her cheeks, and then her lips, before trailing his kisses down her neck. "I am caught up on everything here surprisingly. My schedule is going to be a little weird after this, but it shouldn't be a problem."

She released a content sigh. "I still like the idea of doing a weekend away, too, if that's still an option."

"Of course," Draven whispered, brushing back some of her hair that was in her face. They needed it now more than ever.

"I do not want to invite myself over, but why don't I stay the weekend with you? Unless you have to work?" he asked.

She cupped his cheeks, giving him a loving smile. "My schedule will be Monday, Wednesday and Fridays now consistently, plus the occasional Sunday for your brunch. I would love for you to stay."

"Perfect," Draven mumbled.


Draven followed Lynetta into her home that evening.

"As promised," Lynetta said, showing him the bakery box. He could see the cinnamon rolls and his mouth watered.

"I was hoping I could get away to have them warm out of the oven, but I was trying to get ahead for the weekend."

She smiled, stepping closer. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

"I'm really glad that you could get away," she said, smiling against his lips.

He couldn't resist his own little content smile, feeling like he was exactly where he was meant to be.

"Me too. We can do whatever we want." It was a bit odd to think about. He always had responsibilities, and Draven had never stepped away from them, but he was ready to start living.

"It feels good to be free," she admitted, and he knew exactly what she meant.

"I am glad I listened to my sweet tooth," Draven teased, dropping his forehead onto hers.

Lynetta giggled, "Yes. We wouldn't be here without it."

The End ❤️

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